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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Look in the installer. Find the section that I screenshotted, and check if you have selected the penetration indicator there. If you have, you'll need to unselect it. (The one in the red square I marked.) It's towards the bottom part of the installer list.
  2. It's the Team HP Pool mod.. now with loads of other features. It's only the pen indicator from that mod you'd need to unselect.. the way I understood it.
  3. Ah yeah. He most likely means PMOD pen indicator works with Battle Assistant. But if you have Battle Observers pen indicator selected, while also having PMOD pen indicator selected, the PMOD one is unselected automatically. I think, not sure on that part.
  4. He meant BO, as in Battle Observer, since that mod has a pen indicator, just like PMOD does.
  5. There's a bug in the installer, it looks like... It downloads the correct file - but it tries to unpack the wrong one? 2017-01-27 11:20:48.840 [AddFile_AddMirror] Filename:skins_Gold_Type59_917.7z 2017-01-27 11:21:00.746 [Comp_incr] File coppied to Aslains_DLC_cache: skins_Gold_Type59_917.7z -- OK 2017-01-27 11:21:11.429 [UpdateProgressGauge] Extracting: skins_Gold_Type59_916_1.7zResult -- OK
  6. Do you have other files named _Aslains_Installer in the WoT folder? The most important one is Aslains_Installer_Options.inf What's your problem with zoom in/zoom out? Can you not use scroll wheel to switch between the two? (zoom out, and then zoom in to sniper mode?) Check your WoT settings - if you enabled the part requiring shift press to switch, that'll be why.
  7. I think all options works without xvm - if you select the proper option here:
  8. You posted 8 hours ago. 8 hours ago, the version of the modpack was released, in preparation for that patch. (EU gets that patch in 2 hours) So that's probably it?
  9. I totally follow you, I mentioned that that might be the case, with previous updates (like why 05 and 06 worked for you, even though their zip has the atlas missing, but you had it already in res_mods from previous zip files) That bit! But yeah, I did message Aslain, so he can fix things
  10. Great! And thanks for the update So we need to yell at Aslain for messing up the atlas files! Hehe
  11. Hehe, I see too often that my name ends up as Quakesen Hehe Crazy that it was working fine in 05 and 06.. that points at something else, other than the atlases then. Hopefully our conversation can always help Aslain locate the issue faster (unless you just unzipped 05 and 06 into a folder that already had the atlas files, of course.. ) Sleep well!
  12. https://worldoftanks.curseforge.com/projects/aslains-icon-contour-mod/files Found the old ones! #04 has the atlas files, and the sixth sense file included. #05 and forward, the atlas files and sixth sense is gone. In any case though, Aslain will look into it, as I doubt it's "working as intended", to have missing proper contour icons on the loading screen etc. If you're off to bed, he'll probably have it fixed by the time you wake up
  13. Things might have gone a bit too fast on his end, he is just human afterall, though I do wonder sometimes, with the amount of work he does by himself, in creating the modpack. It looks mostly to me that the atlas files are missing, which are causing the issues. That, or it's something entirely else. Do you still have the old file, from when it was working? Does that one include the atlas files? (Sorry if I'm a bit too focused on those atlas files, but they are the only thing I noticed.. no expert by any means ) And in the end, Aslain will know right away, if something is up
  14. Don't get frustrated, at least not when it's me I'm sure I misread something, and assumed a couple of things myself, woops. Just know that Aslain will look at this as soon as he can. (I sent him a message, should guarantee that he looks at it a.s.a.p)
  15. Eh, just trying to help. I'll go away. After looking a bit more at it, it makes no sense why OTM would work, and the others not... iconset.xc only has battleLoading as the /contour/ folder. The rest are atlas files, which are missing. Heh. Ah well. It'll be fixed when Aslain isn't sleeping.
  16. *Shrugs* Missed it or not, doesn't change the fact that the files I mentioned, aren't there.. so there's the problem. I guess. The atlas files. I'm not sure exactly which icons are in the "basic pack", or I'd upload the zip file from that set from the modpack, since that has the atlases.
  17. Depending on the options you selected, you should have files in gui/flash/atlases. Look in iconset.xc in the XVM config folder, to see what they're set to. I'm using the Metal Gear sixth sense sound just fine from the modpack. Edit: And logs are always nice. Especially since then there's no need for many questions, but can instantly see what you actually selected, instead of guessing.
  18. It shouldn't happen I had the same issue, until XVM updated and fixed the issues with the fog of war in clan wars And don't worry too much about my signature about logs, hehe
  19. #29 has the Fog of War fixes.. and #30 has even more fixes to Fog of War
  20. Sounds like you're using an outdated modpack version.. (more a case of an outdated XVM version) Hard to tell without logs
  21. Yeah, not sure what's up with the EU links, maybe they died due to too many clicking them Hehe.. DIRECT link is always posted together with the others, incase of issues and what not
  22. You can use the DIRECT link if you are having issues with the other link
  23. Wargaming has officially gone totally insane... on EU on RU on ASIA LOL...
  24. Safe shot illegal: FALSE. It's allowed. Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.asia/index.php?/topic/69622-fair-play-policy-faqs/
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