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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Then every mod is illegal by your definition, and should be in the modpack, because they're all the same? Laser has been ruled illegal, where others you mention have not, in most cases?
  2. Hehe, "basically purgatory" Everything should be fine now, though - so happy sailing, and/or tanking
  3. Odd, and yeah, not a fan of Edge either. You should be able to use it now.
  4. Odd sense of humor, but then again, we all have different humor. Wasn't something overlooked though. Hehe. Can't you just use that one? It shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things. (And how did you manage prior to making the account, just to make a silly statement?)
  5. One could also question why you'd go through the effort of creating an account, just to state the obvious, which wasn't really needed at all. I'm sure you can see that now too Hehe. Not saying you are one - but a troll would also create an account just to post a silly reply.
  6. Aslain didn't make a mistake by saying that advertising 3rd party modpacks is forbidden. Stating the obvious on a brand new account, is just silly.
  7. Hehe.. I guess CleverFox wasn't as Clever then. Especially if he was the one advertising another modpack. Sure, in the grand scheme of things, Aslain is a third party too. But you really need to look at the context of things. And noone would need to advertise Aslain's modpack, on Aslain's forum
  8. Please attach logs, to help us help you Might just be something simple you selected in the modpack.
  9. Laser pointer as in the laser going from the enemy's barrel, straight ahead, so you can see where they are aiming? Yeah, not gonna happen, if it's that.. that mod is illegal.
  10. Soon(tm) Aslain is on vacation, and has been working hard on World of Tanks update, since they did some big technical changes, it screwed with a lot of mods.. and XVM team has made a lot of changes too, screwing all the old configs. Hopefully he'll have some time free soon, to get on World of Warships.
  11. Many of the XVM options are still disabled, since it'll take a long time to update all the configs, since XVM team decided to make many changes.. The XVM section takes up a lot of space in the installer, cannot miss it...
  12. https://ci.appveyor.com/project/rstarkov/tankiconmaker/build/artifacts
  13. XVM isn't officially finished yet. Any modpacks using it, are using an unstable developer version. Minimap circles (though not quite as good as XVM ones) are in the game itself. Check the general settings, bottom right corner.
  14. Yeah, but now you know at least Changelog is also shown in the installer, incase you missed it. It usually has the most important bits of information, such as why mods are greyed out in the list, (though Aslain removed those, due to a weird bug in the installer itself)
  15. You should still spend half a minute reading the changelog, especially after a World of Tanks patch, then you wouldn't have needed to post in the first place Keep in mind for future, it'll save you time hehe
  16. Yeah.. and you would have thought they'd do it to WoT, when they did it to WoWs... But nope..
  17. There has been MAJOR technical changes done by Wargaming, pretty much every mod is broken, so don't even attempt to use the old modpack on the new version. Aslain is working hard getting things ready.
  18. Maybe a dumb question; but asking it just in case..: Did you enable the server crosshair in the ingame settings? (And while I'm at it, could you post your logs as requested in the sticky thread? )
  19. There's no aim assist cheat in this modpack. You'll have to find that somewhere else. And sorry if I misunderstand your question, but you did write "aim assist" yourself.
  20. EU1 link for example, is working/updated. The others aren't because Aslain is on vacation (as mentioned in his announcement at the top of the website), and his internet is shit there.
  21. Use the links that doesn't have the strike-through. (EU1 for example) Also check the announcement at the top of the website, to find out why (Aslain is on vacation, and his internet there is probably shit )
  22. You're using one of the links that has the strike-through, which means they aren't available
  23. Hehe... I just noticed this thread is in the World of Tanks section... just so everyone is clear, this is about World of Warships, lol. You'll get it refunded for free. Or moved to Basic Survivability "If Situation Awareness is the only researched level 1 skill of the commander, it will be replaced with Basics of Survivability skill" "If the commander has other level 1 skills besides Situation Awareness, they will be reimbursed the price of the Situation Awareness skill (1 point)"
  24. While it doesn't do much good in current patch, it'll be there for everyone in the next one They're also giving everyone the "sixth sense" ability, which I think is nice.. then everyone is on equal terms, without having to spend a skill point there
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