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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. It's easy to miss/ignore, if you don't really know what it's for to begin with :) So no problem at all :D Happy messing with the settings, and don't hesistate to post in the future if there's anything :)
  2. In the WoT garage, you should have a mod settings button in the lower right corner, where the notification center is.
  3. I might be wrong, but when I searched for "FMOD to Audiokinetic Wwise" stuff, the replies tended to be "lots of manual work" - we'll see what happens :) If they ever get converted to the new sound engine, they'll be using that until the end of times, hopefully, lol.
  4. 9.14 introduced a new sound engine to the game. All the sound mods stopped working, and most of them are not being updated (and probably won't be updated, since it's A LOT OF WORK!) It's up to Gnomefather and the other mod authors to update them.
  5. Hm - it should be showing ingame, I'm fairly sure that mine are still showing ingame also.. I'm not using the advanced optionf or the primary playerpanels, but I don't think that matters. Not sure what you can tweak. Maybe someone else knows :)
  6. WoT's own fault. Press F1 and ESC will work fine again if you experience it.
  7. Pointless post really. No logs, no nothing. Nothing to work with.
  8. Requires the mod makers to convert from FMOD to Audiokinetic Wwise, which is, as far as I've heard, a LOT of manual labor.
  9. http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/226-27032015-loadinf-for-aslains-installer-v25-gui/
  10. You'll need to post logs, to make things easier on everyone. :)
  11. Somewhere along these lines would be a good place to start: \res_mods\0.9.14\scripts\client\gui\mods\MHL\
  12. Also, hold down CTRL, and press TAB to cycle through the panels while ingame. Or hold down CTRL, and use the mouse to click the desired panel. (Top left corner.. in your third picture, you have the medium panel selected.. if you compare that, towards the other screenshot, you'll see the "problem")
  13. The Russian way of writing IS, I think.. The file is correct in this though: http://www.mywotmods.com/en/mods/icons/item/50-webium-s-contour-icons-mod So I guess Aslain will fix it once he sees this post. (Though it's in the wrong place.. should be a bug report, but eh.. it's already made :P )
  14. Fairly sure it's setup by default to send the message "I'm spotted" once there's like 6 left on the team, (to avoid spamming, which is reportable offense :P ) I'm sure someone can correct me on that, if I'm wrong (I edited the file to my own likings, so not sure what the defaults are anymore :D )
  15. Hehe, it's most likely OFF/ON... if it's on by default, and you pressed it twice. You probably turned it off, then on. :D
  16. No clue. I'm not Russian. Anyways, the config file is here: \res_mods\0.9.14\scripts\client\mods\observed.xml And you selected it, or it wouldn't have been installed. :P (Hint: It's the SpotMessanger)
  17. Not going to happen. Milkym4n wasn't too pleased Aslain added his enhanced camo.. :(
  18. Correct. The mod isn't updated/working, and thus greyed out.
  19. Grandorf: I think he wants to switch the colors in the above mod. The above mod uses red for APCR, and yellow for HEAT... :)
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