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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Version: 9.14.01 Update. Due to the change to HD, it's internal name has changed, and thus XVM needed to fix it, which it is in newer versions.
  2. Fun fact: It's something he turned on in the first place, hehe... default behavior (when there's no XVM file in the appdata folder) is unlocked :P
  3. In another thread, also from ASIA, it was the "Show PW Saving Box", try removing that mod.
  4. Define "XVM doesn't work"... like, did you activate it on www.modxvm.com ? :)
  5. Well, Aslain does get a bit crazy from doing all that work by himself :D Maybe the craziness in him placed it there :P
  6. Either the author of the mod linked named it the same way... or the mod linked on the website is the wrong one :P But yeah, Show Vehicle mod is in the modpack. (The one that lets you view vehicles in the garage, that you don't own, that is...) The new "tank of the month" (more like tank of the 3 months) missions are nice. Win 50 times in IS-7, and you get 10x 2 hour personal reserves which gives more XP, and 10x 2 hour resserves that gives more crew XP... :)
  7. While it shows both, it's only for the PMOD stats :) Including it under YasenKrasen, doubles the message, since then you'd have both YK and PMOD.
  8. Probably because it's part of PMOD, and PMOD is what is used for some of the camera stuff.
  9. But as you said, you haven't played for a while... back then, you probably used the Radial Menu mod, which had the "reload spam" thingie when pressing C. That one reloaded and then sent message, regardless of clip ammo count. The new one might just send a message, and not start your reload - need someone else to confirm or deny that though. :)
  10. www.modxvm.com/en/ Log-in - set the settings. As for the other one, I think that's "working as intended"? And it's not supposed to start reloading. But could be wrong. I don't use it.
  11. The download link seems to be for Show Vehicle mod :P
  12. It has been working fine for me as well :)
  13. Hehe :D Armored Warfare is a nice change of pace and pressure though. (I play it, but only PvE, to relax and enjoy the game, hehe)
  14. \World of Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\camera.xc Find the line: "zooms": [2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 30], Edit: Grandorf you damn ninja :ph34r: :lol:
  15. One day old account + One post count = You can use Shoutbox.
  16. So your bug report is for 9.13, which doesn't exist anymore?....
  17. Eh, it's not THAT hard to easily figure out which section a mod belongs to though..
  18. It would be kind of funny if it turns out that he didn't notice the whole "all new sounds" in patch 9.14 for World of Tanks. :D
  19. Yeah, it'll limit to non-random, but maybe the platoon thing worked still in random... It's all guesswork really, hehe... Google Translate only produces gibberish really.. :(
  20. Maybe the "show when less" could be set to something like 1 or 2, and that'll almost disable it... Not sure if you do this, if platoon will work in random battles: <limitationTypeOfBattles>1</limitationTypeOfBattles> <useSquadChat>1</useSquadChat> Try that, and see if platoon message works - if it does - that'll be great, if not... then you might need to try the other option :)
  21. From the gibberish that Google Translate created, it looks like it'll use platoon chat if you set that option you looked at. However... if there's only 1 person left alive in the platoon, it'll send to team chat instead, based on the part with "ShowWhenLess" or whatever it was... Not sure if you can completely disable the random battle team chat message..
  22. Hehe... I'm subscribed to the entire section, so I get mails instantly when someone posts. That way I can help ASAP, if I know the issue ;)
  23. \World of Tanks\res_mods\0.9.14\scripts\client\mods\observed.xml :)
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