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Posts posted by Ress

  1. 8 hours ago, John11 said:

    could you add them to the mod pack please like you have with the debug panels saves me from manually adding them

    Well this is fan zone section (for sharing mods, configs, and other random stuff).
    It's not up to me to decide what goes inside modpack.
    Aslain is the only one who can decide and add stuff inside modpack. :wink1:

  2. 30 minutes ago, Aslain said:

    "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_FRAG_COR_BAR), PY(ON_BATTLE_STATE_CHANGED)" does the trick and will be included in next modpack update (prolly tomorrow)

    Sidenote PY(ON_UPDATE_FRAG_COR_BAR) is from extra py_macro.
    So fragCorrelationBar.py would need to be installed with HP bar (even if colored icons are not selected/installed). :wink1:

  3. Sadly default state is 0:0 and "allive not frags" is "special case", you will have to deal with this delay until someone deals dmg (hp updates). :confused:
    Since this macro updates on hp change PY(ON_UPDATE_HP), don't think much can be done about it without extra py macros.

    Using constant refresh like PY(ON_EVERY_FRAME) or PY(ON_EVERY_SECOND) can reduce performance.
    Maybe by adding PY(ON_BATTLE_STATE_CHANGED) to the mix might work, but need to be tested.

  4. @Aslain it will work since right now it's showing frags inside config #4 Straight.

    	// фраги союзников
    	"totalHP_frags_ally": { 
    	  "enabled": true,
          "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)",
          "x": -20,
          "y": 0,
    	  "width": 30,
          "height": 30,
          "screenHAlign": "center",
    	  "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 },
          "textFormat": { "font": "$TitleFont", "size": 20, "align": "center" },
    	  "format": "{{py:sp.allyFrags}}"
    	// фраги противников
    	"totalHP_frags_enemy": { 
    	  "$ref": { "path":"def.totalHP_frags_ally" },
          "x": 20,
          "format": "{{py:sp.enemyFrags}}"

    But you will probably have todo same for each HPpool config
    with {{py:sp.allyFrags}}>{{py:sp.allyAlive}} and {{py:sp.allyFrags}}>{{py:sp.enemyAlive}} options.
    12 options in total for each config frags or allive, yikes. :fearful:

  5. @John11 You caused this error, not modpack, not my configs.

    You probably did use debugpanel with background before, then you decided to try infopanel, after that you switched debugpanels and leave old battlelabels.xc behind.

    Like Aslain said, next time mention this stuff. :expressionless:

  6. debugPanel 7 doesn't use "debugPanelbg".
    Judging by screenshot error there is extra format  ${"battleLabelsDebugPanel.xc": "def.debugPanelbg"}
    inside battleLabels.xc for some reason (that points to non-existing def).

    same inside xvm.log

    JSONxLoaderException: Bad reference: ${"battleLabelsDebugPanel.xc": "def.debugPanelbg"} in "res_mods/configs/xvm\Aslain\battleLabelsDebugPanel.xc:battleLabels/formats[20]"
    Object "./def" has no key "debugPanelbg"

    @John11 Post battleLabels.xc together with battleLabelsDebugPanel.xc

  7. inside Aslain_Installer.log
        Line 1527: 2019-07-08 19:26:17.116   [Comp_incr] File coppied to Aslain_Modpack\DL_cache: contouricons_Witblitz_Neon_TIM_1511.7z -- Error
        Line 22066: 2019-07-08 19:26:55.334   [UpdateProgressGauge] Extracting: contouricons_Witblitz_Neon_TIM_1511.7zResult -- OK
    inside folder res_mods.txt
    no "M:\World of Tanks\res_mods\\gui\flash\atlases"
    or "M:\World of Tanks\res_mods\\gui\maps\icons\vehicle\contour" ...paths

  8. No, i believe you can still use texture compression but not fully effective as on older engine (pre-1.0.0).
    Now mostly tanks, skybox, vegetation and some effects are compressed.Terrain is no longer compressed at all.

    Somewhere around 1.2 patch (i believe) i did test tweakerplus and configtuner compressions and they appear to use same methods.
    Now even on lower compressions (50%-75%|1/2-1/4) you lose more tank details (camo, decals, hitzone skins...etc) compared to older engine.
    It does depend on your graphics settings a little bit (texture mostly), but not that much...

    I got feeling compression doesn't "scale" well like it used to on older engine, game gets pretty ugly sooner then it used to.
    Idk try testing them both and see for yourself, both of them have cleanup/restore options. :wink1:

  9. 2019-07-07 13:50:58.766: INFO: [WebBrowser] INIT https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=experience&goldPrice=279.0 texture: BrowserBg, size (1920.0, 1080.0), id: 1
    2019-07-07 13:50:58.766: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Creating a browser: 'overlayWebStore' - https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=experience&goldPrice=279.0
    2019-07-07 13:50:58.766: INFO: [WebBrowser] CREATE https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=experience&goldPrice=279.0 - 1
    2019-07-07 13:50:59.302: INFO: [WebBrowser] READY 1 https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=experience&goldPrice=279.0 1
    2019-07-07 13:50:59.302: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Ready to show: 'overlayWebStore' - 1 - 
    2019-07-07 13:50:59.302: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Showing a browser: 'overlayWebStore' - https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=experience&goldPrice=279.0
    2019-07-07 13:50:59.302: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Finished creating a browser: overlayWebStore
    2019-07-07 13:51:03.730: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Triggering create of next browser from: overlayWebStore
    2019-07-07 13:51:09.562: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Deleting a browser: overlayWebStore
    2019-07-07 13:51:09.563: INFO: [WebBrowser] DESTROYED https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=experience&goldPrice=279.0 - 1
    2019-07-07 13:57:49.628: INFO: [WebBrowser] INIT https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=crew&goldPrice=200 texture: BrowserBg, size (1920.0, 1080.0), id: 2
    2019-07-07 13:57:49.629: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Creating a browser: 'overlayWebStore' - https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=crew&goldPrice=200
    2019-07-07 13:57:49.629: INFO: [WebBrowser] CREATE https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=crew&goldPrice=200 - 2
    2019-07-07 13:57:49.640: INFO: [WebBrowser] READY 1 https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=crew&goldPrice=200 2
    2019-07-07 13:57:49.640: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Ready to show: 'overlayWebStore' - 1 - 
    2019-07-07 13:57:49.640: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Showing a browser: 'overlayWebStore' - https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=crew&goldPrice=200
    2019-07-07 13:57:49.640: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Finished creating a browser: overlayWebStore
    2019-07-07 13:57:50.667: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Triggering create of next browser from: overlayWebStore
    2019-07-07 13:57:56.249: INFO: [gui.game_control.BrowserController] CTRL: Deleting a browser: overlayWebStore
    2019-07-07 13:57:56.249: INFO: [WebBrowser] DESTROYED https://wot-shop-eu.wgcdn.co/recommended-packs?source=external&reason=crew&goldPrice=200 - 2

                   Show Gold spending locker
                   Show Free XP spending locker
                   Show Bonds spending locker
                   Change lockers color to red/green

    By any chance you locked your gold/XP in hangar (green/red padlocks next to bonds/gold/xp) and forgot?

    • Upvote 2
  10. 44 minutes ago, Micha said:

    Can you tell if it is in the modpack or stil something not working from xvm server?

    I have no issues with xvm #9209, except player counter not working (wait on xvm #9218+ for fix on that).

    As for stats, judging by your xvm.log looks like token issue...
    Since you already reseted token...idk
    2019-07-07 10:58:14: [ERROR] No valid token for XVM network services (key=EU/)
    2019-07-07 10:58:58: [B:004] [XVM INFO]
                                   XVM_VERSION=7.9.7 #9209 for WoT
    no valid token = inactive xvm service = inbattle stats disabled

    Try clearing all cache (local and site tokens as well) and check your network/firewall?

    • Upvote 1
  11. Why opening new topic about same issue?
    You already reported this on your last topic about hitlog (you can easily edit post if you need to add new logs or screenshot).

    Aslain told you to try draggable hitlog, and you did, and you have issues again, ok...wait, someone will look into it.

    Opening 10 topics about same issue won't magically fix your problem, only annoy people... :confused:

  12. After quick observation on version #1 (detailed header + normal numbers) hitlog [non-draggable].
    @Aslain I think hitLogBackground (header) is missing ref to hitLog.log.y on "y" ?

    "hitLogBody": { "enabled": true,
    "x": "{{pp.mode=0?{{battletype-key=epic_battle?240|5}}|{{py:sum({{pp.widthLeft}},{{py:xvm.hitLog.log.x}})}}}}",
    "y": "{{pp.mode=0?{{battletype-key=epic_battle?80|90}}|{{py:xvm.hitLog.log.y}}}}",

    "hitLogBackground": { "enabled": true,

    "x": "{{pp.mode=0?{{battletype-key=epic_battle?240|5}}|{{py:sum({{pp.widthLeft}},{{py:xvm.hitLog.log.x}})}}}}",

    "y": "{{pp.mode=0?{{battletype-key=epic_battle?55|65}}|40}}",

    That's why it only aligns log.x and doesn't move down with log.y (on manual edit).

    Maybe subtract log.y by ~25 on log.background ("header")?

    "x": "{{pp.mode=0?{{battletype-key=epic_battle?240|5}}|{{py:sum({{pp.widthLeft}},{{py:xvm.hitLog.log.x}})}}}}",
    "y": "{{pp.mode=0?{{battletype-key=epic_battle?55|65}}|{{py:sub({{py:xvm.hitLog.log.y}},25)}}}}",

    • Upvote 1
  13. On 6/30/2019 at 11:56 PM, arniGX said:

    even my stat xvm isnt working anymore..... ??

    Give it some time, it's XVM issue (not a modpack issue).
    During site maintenance sometimes stats load and sometimes they don't, simple as that.

    Also stated on site: (but some people can't grasp that)
    "Some services may be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance. We'll back online as soon as possible."
    (i had to restart game like 3-5 times to load stats in hangar and see them in battle, perfectly normal)

    Now XVM maintenance appears to be over, so stats/services issue should be resolved soon:wink1:

  14. 48 minutes ago, _BeastSlayer_ said:

    i no see the battle observer hitlog in the screen
    the damange wath i done

    I see inside logs you are not using xvm hitlog, only BO.
    Well, maybe it magically moved off screen? :lol:

    I don't use BO, but i think config for hitlog is:

    Since it did worked before and if you didn't mess with anything else you can try moving BO hitlog (right & down), also make sure it's still enabled.
        "align":"left", < ( "x" position alignment | 0=left edge of screen )
        "x":0,  < ( - left | + right )
        "y":0  < (- up | + down )

  15. If hitlog worked before and you didn't mess with anything aside from hpBar edits it should still work.
    (if missing xvm Hitlog, my guess xvm layer/pos issue between PP and Hitlog)

    Your original screenshot is confusing (since you have double hitlog/damagelog).

    Can you post new screenshot with missing hitlog?

  16. @_BeastSlayer_ edit this part to move hpbar, hpbar background, hp text:

    "hpBarBg": {  "x": 106, "y": 6, "width": 72, "bindToIcon": true, "height": 14, "bgColor": "0x000000", "alpha": "{{alive?35|0}}" },
    "hpBar": {  "x": 107, "y": 7, "bindToIcon": true, "width": "{{hp-ratio:70}}", "height": 12, "bgColor": "{{player?#FFDD33|{{c:system}}}}", "alpha": "{{alive?50|0}}" },
    "hp": {  "x": 142, "y": 4, "bindToIcon": true, "align": "center", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}",

    Increase "x" on all 3 (hpBarBg, hpBar, hp) for same amount. (example:+5, +10, +15...)

    EDIT: in your case it's easier to move hpBar, then clanIcon (based on position)

  17. 5 hours ago, Wolvenworks said:

    -Ress notices some "weird code" on my older logs. perhaps that's related to the issue?

    Please stop quoting me on that, i was adressing BodiDeNiro on that part, not your logs.

    5 hours ago, Wolvenworks said:

    -drivers and Win10 are up to date

    -modpacks installed are as up to date as possible

    -game is up to date

    Keeping your game, modpack, drivers, OS, whatever else up2date is all nice,
    but having stuff updated won't magically fix some issues, especially not faulty hardware.
    You still claim it's modpack's issue? Fine, post latest logs (your latest logs are from modpack Version:

    5 hours ago, Wolvenworks said:

    -if hardware/drivers are the cause to the BSOD, i should be getting BSOD even when not playing WoT. but it did not BSOD, even under noticeably heavier usage therefore it is not a driver/hardware issue.

    Faulty hardware/drivers works in misterious ways. :kiss_wink:
    (Loading/filling your ram/pagefile and having some rom reads from drive are not same thing as actually troubleshooting stuff).

    Since you have internal ssd + internal hdd + external hdd you should be able to troubleshoot that external hdd, if you care about it...
    example1: plug external on different port,
    example2: try different data/power cable,
    example3: plug external on different PC,
    example4: ultimately move game back to internal storage then restart laptop and unplug external hdd, reinstall modpack

    If you actually tested that external drive and still having crashes/BSOD on:
    different port, different data/SATA/USB cable, different PC, back on internal storage
    then i "might" believe you (not) it's modpacks issue.

    Until you actually test that external (sinse that's where it all started) and post some updated logs,
    you are not having modpack issues (also there would be dozens of reports about crashes and BSOD).

    Now crashes could be tolerated as possible modpack issue to some extent (even then if could be drivers/third party software/etc),
    but now that we are talking about BSOD...like cmon seriously modpack issue? :confused:

    When you return from UK check that external.
    Unless is modpack related we can only give you suggestions and vague support, we are not WG support to fix your client or IT guys to fix your PC over internet. :wink1:

    Sry for long reply, but i feel we are running in circle...

  18. xvm.log (everything looks clean, until that final error/crash)

    2019-06-24 23:44:02: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_sounds\python\battleEnd.py", line 37, in BattleEndWarningPanel_setTotalTime
        period = avatar_getter.getArena().period
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'period'
    2019-06-24 23:44:08: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_sounds\python\battleEnd.py", line 37, in BattleEndWarningPanel_setTotalTime
        period = avatar_getter.getArena().period
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'period'
    2019-06-24 23:44:09: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_sounds\python\battleEnd.py", line 37, in BattleEndWarningPanel_setTotalTime
        period = avatar_getter.getArena().period
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'period'
    2019-06-24 23:44:10: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_sounds\python\battleEnd.py", line 37, in 


    python.log (hard to navigate entire log thx to WG spam, but this is around that crash)

    2019-06-24 23:44:01.181: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.181: ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda>
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.181: ERROR:   File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_sounds\python\enemySighted.py", line 37, in _PlayerAvatar_onBecomeNonPlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.204: ERROR:     base(self)
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.204: ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda>
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.205: ERROR:   File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_battle\python\fragCorrelationPanel.py", line 118, in _PlayerAvatar_onBecomeNonPlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.222: ERROR:     base(self)
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.222: ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda>
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.222: ERROR:   File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_battle\python\camera.py", line 64, in _PlayerAvatar_onBecomeNonPlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.235: ERROR:     base(self)
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.235: ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda>
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.235: ERROR:   File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_battle\python\battle.py", line 134, in _PlayerAvatar_onBecomeNonPlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.243: ERROR:     base(self)
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.243: ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda>
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.244: ERROR:   File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_battle\python\vehicleMarkers.py", line 69, in _PlayerAvatar_onBecomeNonPlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.256: ERROR:     base(self)
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.256: ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda>
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.257: ERROR:   File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\__init__.py", line 143, in _PlayerAvatar_onBecomeNonPlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.268: ERROR:     base(self)
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.268: ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda>
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.269: ERROR:   File "./__init__.py", line 243, in _PlayerAvatar_onBecomeNonPlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.269: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 620, in onBecomeNonPlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.269: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/vehicle_systems/appearance_cache.py", line 281, in destroy
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.270: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/vehicle_systems/appearance_cache.py", line 54, in destroy
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.270: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/vehicle_systems/CompoundAppearance.py", line 755, in destroy
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.270: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/helpers/CallbackDelayer.py", line 46, in destroy
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.271: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/helpers/CallbackDelayer.py", line 53, in clearCallbacks
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.271: ERROR: ValueError: py_cancelCallback: Incorrect callback ID.
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.758: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.758: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/arena_component_system/arena_equipment_component.py", line 154, in deactivate
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.758: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/arena_component_system/client_arena_component_system.py", line 60, in removeSyncDataCallback
    2019-06-24 23:44:01.759: ERROR: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'removeSyncDataObjectCallback'
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.236: INFO: 2019-06-24 23:44:02: [ERROR] mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.pyc
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.236: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.236: ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 56, in __event_handler
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.237: ERROR:   File "mod_wotStat", line 663, in new_onBecomePlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.237: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Account.py", line 362, in onBecomePlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.238: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/ChatManager.py", line 41, in switchPlayerProxy
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.238: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/ChatManager.py", line 55, in __cleanupMyCallbacks
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.239: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/ClientChat.py", line 284, in unsubscribeChatAction
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.239: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/ClientChat.py", line 320, in __getChatActionCallbacks
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.240: ERROR: AttributeError: 'PlayerAvatar' object has no attribute '_ClientChat__chatActionCallbacks'
    2019-06-24 23:44:02.341: ERROR: [gui.battle_control.avatar_getter] Attribute "arena" not found
    2019-06-24 23:44:08.484: ERROR: [gui.battle_control.avatar_getter] Attribute "arena" not found
    2019-06-24 23:44:09.462: ERROR: [gui.battle_control.avatar_getter] Attribute "arena" not found
    2019-06-24 23:44:10.585: ERROR: [gui.battle_control.avatar_getter] Attribute "arena" not found
    2019-06-24 23:44:11.637: ERROR: [gui.battle_control.avatar_getter] Attribute "arena" not found
    2019-06-24 23:44:12.640: ERROR: [gui.battle_control.avatar_getter] Attribute "arena" not found
    2019-06-24 23:44:13.656: ERROR: [gui.battle_control.avatar_getter] Attribute "arena" not found
    2019-06-24 23:44:14.656: ERROR: [gui.battle_control.avatar_getter] Attribute "arena" not found
    2019-06-24 23:44:15.658: ERROR: [gui.battle_control.avatar_getter] Attribute "arena" not found
    2019-06-24 23:44:16.665: ERROR: [gui.battle_control.avatar_getter] Attribute "arena" not found
    2019-06-24 23:44:16.812: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
    2019-06-24 23:44:16.812: ERROR:   File "mod_wotStat", line 673, in new_onBecomeNonPlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:16.813: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Account.py", line 380, in onBecomeNonPlayer
    2019-06-24 23:44:16.813: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/ChatManager.py", line 41, in switchPlayerProxy
    2019-06-24 23:44:16.813: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/ChatManager.py", line 55, in __cleanupMyCallbacks
    2019-06-24 23:44:16.814: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/ClientChat.py", line 284, in unsubscribeChatAction
    2019-06-24 23:44:16.814: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/ClientChat.py", line 320, in __getChatActionCallbacks
    2019-06-24 23:44:16.814: ERROR: AttributeError: 'PlayerAvatar' object has no attribute '_ClientChat__chatActionCallbacks'
    >>>2019-06-24 23:44:17.833: INFO: [gui.app_loader.loader] Space is changed: BattleSpace() -> WaitingSpace()
    2019-06-24 23:44:17.993: INFO: [gui.app_loader.loader] App is destroyed: scaleform/battle
    2019-06-24 23:44:17.994: INFO: [gui.Scaleform.app_factory] Creating app: scaleform/lobby
    >>>2019-06-24 23:44:18.000: INFO: [gui.app_loader.loader] Space is changed: WaitingSpace() -> LoginSpace()
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.031: INFO: [SOUND] Start loading Login task
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.339: INFO: [gui.Scaleform.app_factory] Destroying app: scaleform/battle
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.339: INFO: [gui.Scaleform.app_factory] Destroying app: scaleform/lobby
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.339: INFO: [gui.app_loader.loader] App is destroyed: scaleform/lobby
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.656: INFO: 2019-06-24 23:44:18: [ERROR] mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.pyc
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.656: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.656: ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 56, in __event_handler
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.657: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/game.py", line 404, in fini
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.657: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/helpers/dependency.py", line 85, in clear
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.658: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/helpers/dependency.py", line 250, in clear
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.658: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/helpers/dependency.py", line 314, in finalize
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.659: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/battle_session.py", line 327, in stop
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.659: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/listeners.py", line 815, in stop
    2019-06-24 23:44:18.660: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/listeners.py", line 141, in stop


    Can't make anything out of it, maybe Aslain has some ideas.

    By any chance you updated your gpu drivers recently, also do you have crashes without RTSS (does RTSS crashes with wot) or in safe mode ?

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