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Everything posted by Theolitius

  1. no idea why fps limit is not working for you, tested it earlier and 30 fps limit works for me. you could attach logs, maybe there is more info in that.
  2. could you add a screenshot? i played a few event games and 1 team mate complained he was completely blind. so probably more people have the same issue. edit found some news: #2 Constant fog/blur on player screen 1) Login to client 2) Go to "Settings" 3) Select "Battle Notifications" 4) Select "Map Border", if you see the error message - it's normal behaviour 5) Select any checkbox in "Border Type" group 6) Press OK and enjoy the "Mirny - Hope" http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/777133-mirny-hope-event-mechanics-and-gameplay/page__st__180__pid__18767415#entry18767415
  3. was the enemy still alive at the moment your tried to fire? if it was dead it is correct that is got blocked.
  4. yes the logs are correctly attached. i do not know a solution for it, could be the game itself or xvm server having issues (again)
  5. my clan mate often has the same issue we tried to pinpoint the exact cause for a while without any succes, often a pc restart did help. wg also made a topic about it, what you could try out. clan mate did not want to go this far, he just wanted to play after work. https://eu.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wot/hot-issues/34442/
  6. always ignore the version displayed in the WG center better open the version.xml to see the actual version today's update has changed folders to Aslain is already working on update, still no ETA for now
  7. think you are talking about the Field Modifications, that is not a mod but a newly added game feature. will try to explain it, if this is not it just ignore the following. you will have a new button beside the Research if you click on that it will bring you to a new UI screen only elite tanks or premium tanks from tier 6-10 are able to have field modifications you will have to unlock levels of field mods, on tier 6 the level 1 and 3 will give you options to pick sets of equipment/consumables at the countdown of the battle. once you have unlocked that you can fill in the sets in the garage. as example, i only have 1 bond ventilation/rammer, but you can equip it on both sets my first equipment set is more for open maps, while my second set is for city fights consumables/ammo i have almost the same, only second set has more "special" ammo if you have this all setup and start a battle, at the 30 seconds countdown you can pick what set you want to play with hope this explains it a bit, if you have more questions always feel free to ask them.
  8. are you using the exact same config as on your other pc? if not you could use this to do that. missing tweaks, what is that exactly? are you missing parts of xvm or other mods? need more info and logs. it could be due to admin rights if you have the exact same config on both pc's
  9. moved the topic to correct section, was posted inside WOT.
  10. seems both mods where outdated, wonder why no one noticed/reported it before. will make sure they get updated next modpack release.
  11. could you attach logs? here it shows how to make/grab them. (mainly red text) it could be just the mod or a conflict, that will be easier to spot with the logs.
  12. could not find anything related to carousel causing it, are you sure the xvm locks where not on? would not be the first time i had that myself
  13. next time could you attach logs (will add link at the bottom on how to provide those) now it added a certain difficulty in trying to recreate the issue, will try a few things out.
  14. 60 fps limit is working for me could you provide logs if you still having this issue here it will show to to make/get them (mainly red text)
  15. will try to explain it, this version inside the WGcenter is "useless", all servers have a different version displayed there. i would even go as far to say it only adds to the confusion instead of helping. inside the game folder World_of_Tanks/mods (see folder number) or open the version.xml, that will display the real version the game is on currently easy step is just to install the modpack, it will show when it is not compatible with the WOT version. hope it made it a bit clearer
  16. the lag could be from a WG issue, depends if you are using AMD processor or not https://eu.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wot/hot-issues/34443/ for the second issue, i think you need to search it in the "custom mods" area since i could not recreate it edit: just recreated errors in python, need more testing
  17. thx for the help BTW, was not easy to find this bug after deleting Received Damage announcer i did not had any issues with selecting a tank after death wonder if safe mode also disables res_mods now and i did send you wrong info
  18. after i was dead i could not select a tank to get back, even a restart did not helped then it got stuck in loading screen when i removed received damage announcer i could load back into the game still need to test with all the other mods added back
  19. it is something inside res_mods, getting closer now try without Received Damage announcer
  20. same here, i just confirmed the issue now just deleting mods by sets will keep searching must be something you all are using
  21. merged 2 topics i just finished a game without any issues, xvm only this is just a wild guess try without tv.protanki.enemyannouncer_2.8.wotmod edit: try without Danger lights
  22. oh boy, not sure where to start, both python and xvm log are full of errors i will try to see if i can pinpoint a mod causing issues, but i cannot make a promise on that FL is not easy to test out and most mods are not working for events. you could try to play in safe mode, that will disable all mods inside the Mods folder, narrowing it down a lot.
  23. do you have overwolf installed on all pc's? got some reports with the same explanation, "crashing randomly, mainly when loading garage" for most of them removing OW had fixed their issue try to delete this file inside res_mods folder: mod_ow.pyc and test if that fixes your issue
  24. if you want to change 1 setting, run the installer again and change what you want do not uninstall it, then you lose all previous settings
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