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Everything posted by Theolitius

  1. mods\configs\goofy67_FreeCam\FreeCam.xml we often use notepad++ to edit these files.
  2. are you using "Show Vehicle body in the sniper view" i remember that mod was causing some issues with STRV td and some more tanks hotkey is F11 if not attach logs. here it will explain how to get/make logs
  3. could try to run as admin. had this once in the past, whatever i did i could not install 1 modpack version. if nothing helps, try to stay at 08 for a while maybe it will be gone with 010 or 09 will be DL more and not be flagged down. lets us know if this will be resolved or not.
  4. there is a ingame option to switch between filled outline or old one here. maybe that will help. not sure if you are aware of this, but will add it anyway all champi mods have options in the garage where you can change hotkey for example.
  5. please attach logs here it will explain how to get/make them
  6. try without the hitzone mod it seems there is a fault with that specific tank, sadly do not have the tank myself to test this properly
  7. could not recreate it update to latest release if you keep having same issue after it, post the logs again.
  8. remove oldskool safe shot, should fix the issue
  9. only found the English version always save the _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf somewhere.
  10. thx, yeah all errors are pointing towards xvm in my understanding or the game itself. ReloadEffect.py/ammo_ctrl.py/Avatar.py", line 1829, in updateVehicleGunReloadTime are the errors that fit perfectly in your description. makes me wonder why xvm is not disabled during frontline anymore (issues started at 7:57 back to garage was around 8:17)
  11. attach logs please if you also have issues with platoons here it will explain how to get/make logs
  12. there are no illegal mods inside Aslain modpacks you have to check what the ban is saying if you want to prevent it for next time, account sharing as example is also a reason to ban someone. next time make a own topic instead of randomly posting on the top topic
  13. did you changed anything software or hardware related since the last time it worked fine? so far that i am aware there are no known major issues for CTD, you could try the standard things, cleaning cache etc. but expect you did that already
  14. 1) 2) radial menu mods are not a thing anymore, last version was for
  15. have seen that before, like tank doing a 180 degrees turn in a split second or a ticking turret left to right. often a sign of lag or bad internet connection, often 1 clan mate has same issue.
  16. had the same issue last week during the mission for tokens, had to almost click half way instead of the +, not easy during battle. after hour testing with your config i could not recreate it, while i suspect xvm i do not have proof for it at the moment
  17. both works fine for me loading up the config. so sad to say, it must be something on your end.... it is not clear to me if the other mods installed are working fine for you, if nothing is working you have a wrong path file for installer. if only 2 mods are not working, it is either anti virus, not starting game/installer as admin or as Aslain mentioned the DL_cache folder
  18. interesting, different errors this time. tried to recreate it in the past and with both config posted in this topic, all without any results. 1 time i got close and thought it was caused by xvm, till someone else proofed me wrong and had same issue without xvm.
  19. could not recreate the same issue at the moment, also not a single obvious error in python.
  20. normally it will be server issue when store is down, restart game or wait and be lucky, sometimes it will fix after a few minutes other times not that day. there is a mission menu bug going on, a fix is posted on the forum that maybe helps you out too, that is also the reason why i will not merge it yet.
  21. sounds like the same issues you are having http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/668455-★-important-bug-fix-black-screen-broken-anniversary-missions-unusable-settings-★/
  22. could you attach logs? explained here how to get/make them (mainly red text) that way we can load the same mods from the installer and make our work a lot easier.
  23. that would be a illegal mod and not provided by Aslain modpack
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