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Everything posted by Redraven59

  1. Left: standar buttons filter; Right: buttons filter after install Aslain ModPack ( ¿XVM? ) I don't know if the additional buttons are installed by XVM Mod or by another Mod creator . If any of you can inform me I appreciate it. Well. I would need two things, if possible. One: A Button to filter "Only tanks that have won at least one battle". I have a lot of X5 Reserves for second win and would like to know which tanks to play to take advantage of these reserves. Two: I have experience for more than forty years in programming, I've made programs in almost every popular language, including Python. Could I see an example of how to make one of those buttons filter? I have ideas for more types of filters. I could make my own additional filters myself and share it with all of you. Thank you very much to all.
  2. Fixed some bugs WoT_es_translation_1.10.0.4_10b.ini
  3. Spanish. Clean and revised. WoT_es_translation_1.10.0.4_10.ini
  4. Here it is. All completed source in order to compile the Key Lists Utility App. Need be compiled with Embarcadero Delphi 2010. It does not need any external module or include. Greetings. Redraven59 (xXxREDRAVENxXxsSsRAMMERs) P.D.: Aslain, If you see it necessary, we can open a new thread for this topic (App) and leave the translation free, because this of the application is an accessory to the translation. AppCompleteListWithAnotherList.Source.And.Exe.v2.zip
  5. I have done a search for equal doubles and I have found one more es.HDminimap_main==Mod Principal (Nota: Desactiva el XVM minimapa) I correct it in my file, you also correct it in your file.
  6. No problem. But I have to prepare a version that only includes the common functions that it uses, of a large own library of common functions that are not necessary (and that are my professional work). I will prepare and share with us here.
  7. Fixed a few additional (minimal) bugs WoT_es_translation__1.10.0.4_03d.ini
  8. After using the Aslains_WoT_Modpack_Installer_v. installer I have found a few errors in the Spanish translation that I have already corrected. WoT_es_translation__1.10.0.4_03b.ini
  9. Spanish translate. WoT_es_translation__1.10.0.4_03.ini
  10. Last revision of Spanish file (using new App) WoT_es_translation_1.10.0.2_06.ini
  11. Hello guys, Here is the new App and the test translating EN to ES (spanish) file New App only need uncompressed, no instalation required, no external modules use, no dll, only he self exe. The new App has the nest features: Has been developed in Embarcadero Delphi 2010 instead of Borland Delphi 6 for its ability to work correctly with UTF8. When process the files first Delete all Keys in Destiny that do not exist in Origin. After add to Destiny all keys that exists in Origin but not exist in Destiny When save results add the New Keys plus message (editable) "{TODO_TRANSLATE}" The results are saved on disk with UTF8 code page ( 65001) Completely independent you can A-Z order the origin file (EN) and save it to disk. I have tried to process the file in English and generate the corresponding file in Spanish. I think it is correct but I would like you to review it and tell me if so. Greetings to all. AppCompleteListWithAnotherList.v2.zip WoT_es_translation_1.10.0.2_06.ini
  12. Ok. Both list withs same Keys, add from origin if no it's in destiny or delete from destiny if not it´s in origin. Ok. About UTF8. I wiill change compiler to use. This one that I use for this App has an intermediate step that loses the UTF8 encoding (D6 Builder). I' will try use another more modern one that I have. (Delphi Embarcadero D 2010)
  13. Revision of App "CompleteLis". Now you can sort origin file and write on HD. ( only uncompressed and rewrite it) Add Spanish translation for test. Best regards AppCompleteListWithAnotherList.zip WoT_es_translation_1.10.0.2_06.ini
  14. Ok. I see UTF8 after process. And I'll also look at adding an option to sort the origen file.
  15. Here is. No install required, only uncompress folder. Execute App AppCompleteListWithAnotherList.exe; Select ini file of reference (origin) and ini file to complete (destiny) (as example in folder are EN file and ES file) push Button Excecute Process; when finish push Button Save Results, then its saved as file destiny + datetime of process. The results are not destructive, the originals are always preserved. Test and say me if it's useful to you. AppCompleteListWithAnotherList.Executable.zip
  16. Yes, I can prepare a version with params for langage origin and destiny, easy to use. Only copy in destiny the keys in prigin what not exists totally but with prefix change ( en. changue by es. or the configured prefix) .... Tomorrow sunday i'll prepare something to show you.
  17. Good afternoon Aslain, Here it's. How could we prove the INI file that I have done? Note about work: The lines are in alphabetical order by KEY (es.name-key=). I have programmed an app that adds the missing lines from the English INI into the Spanish INI before start to tanslate. So later translation work is easier. I have not removed the obsolete lines WoT_es_translation_1.10.0.2_02.ini
  18. Aslain, I think the Spanish language translation is some outdated. I could update it. Are you interested?
  19. Thanks you very much; you are the best
  20. Same. I play with EU1 or EU2 ( or EU3 when available) but ... all servers of WoT? Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  21. There is no doubt, the cause of the freezing is the Auxilium Auto-Camo ... Edit: Another ALT+F4 ... I uninstall the Auto-Camo Auxilium, sorry because I need it.
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