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XMV Enemy spotted markers not showing bug

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v.4.1.5_95    World of tanks  9.5


The "enemy spotted" eye or bulb is not showing up nest to the players pannels "enemy"  I have tried bolth the eyes and the bulb option, and different contours dlc and bult in, I have always done clean install and tried many different options to try and get the Enemy spotted markers to show up so i believe it is a bug.


It worked correctly in versions v.4.1.1_95 and v.4.1.2_95 stopped working after that


Here is screen shot of my installer xmv settings https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-2CgrM9aVRCE/VJ1zLbGWmGI/AAAAAAAAATM/HIoFB8xV40w/s0/2014-12-26_06-39-45.png


To be a little more precise the never spotted, player was spotted, player is spoted are all not shoing up.


If not a bug please help me fix if anymore info need i will give you anything you need.




I got the same Problem. Using Large Playerpanel with HP Bar #1.

The funny thing is when i Switch to Medium Playerpanel the spotted markers are working.


Probably an installer error while putting configs together.

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