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Scaling Carosel


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  • Administrator

This is why I limited the options for carousel labels, they don't scale well. You have to change their cords and sizes manualy, unless XVM devs added scale macro to carousel "extraFields"


I asked them for that, but they said "it's not needed"...

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  • 9 years later...

I spent a goodly portion of the morning going through and modifying carouselNormal.xc for to allow for what boils down to a 50% scale of the carousel for 3 rows with Very's stats and everything lined out properly.

I run a 4k monitor, 3 rows of "normal" was literally taking up half the screen. I did not like the "small" carousel, as it removed a lot of detail that I liked. I went looking for a solution, and found that of course it was manual only, as Aslain mentioned it does not move cleanly. While going to percentage based size & locations would work, it would take waaaay too much effort. Solving it for a 4k monitor in a sane way, however, worked just fine. Posting this in case someone else who does not have the patience or knowledge to tinker with an .xc file would like something pre-built.


Open the carouselNormal.xc in res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain and replace the contents with this after making a copy.


 * Normal carousel cells settings.
 * Настройки ячеек карусели обычного размера.
  // Definitions.
  // Шаблоны.
  "def": {
    // Text fields shadow.
    // Тень текстовых полей.
   "textFieldShadow": { "enabled": true, "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 100, "blur": 2, "strength": 2, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 },
	"normalShadow":   { "enabled": true, "color": "{{v.premium?#642D1A|#434343}}", "alpha": 70, "blur": 6, "strength": 3, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 },
	"otherShadow":    { "enabled": true, "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 100, "blur": 6, "strength": 4, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
  "normal": {
    // Cell width.
    // Ширина ячейки.
    "width": 150,
    // Cell height.
    // Высота ячейки.
    "height": 75,
    // Spacing between carousel cells.
    // Отступ между ячейками карусели.
    "gap": 1,
    // Standard cell elements.
    // Стандартные элементы ячеек.
    "fields": {
      // "enabled"  - the visibility of the element / видимость элемента
      // "dx"       - horizontal shift              / смещение по горизонтали
      // "dy"       - vertical shift                / смещение по вертикали
      // "alpha"    - transparency                  / прозрачность
      // "scale"    - scale                         / масштаб
      // Nation flag.
      // Флаг нации.
      "flag": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 },
      // Vehicle icon.
      // Иконка танка.
      "tankIcon": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 },
      // Vehicle class icon.
      // Иконка типа техники.
      "tankType": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 },
      // Vehicle level.
      // Уровень техники.
      "level":    { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 },
      // Double XP icon.
      // Иконка не сбитого опыта за первую победу в день.
      "xp":       { "enabled": true, "dx": -32, "dy": 69, "alpha": 200, "scale": 0.5 },
      // Vehicle name.
      // Название танка.
      "tankName": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1, "textFormat": {}, "shadow": {} },
      // Vehicle rent info text.
      // Инфо текст аренды танка.
      "rentInfo": { "enabled": true, "dx": 50, "dy": 0, "alpha": 70, "scale": 1, "textFormat": {}, "shadow": "otherShadow" },
      // Info text (Crew incomplete, Repairs required).
      // Инфо текст (Неполный экипаж, Требуется ремонт).
      "info":     { "enabled": true, "dx": 6, "dy": 8, "alpha": 70, "scale": 1, "textFormat": {}, "shadow": "otherShadow" },
      // Info image.
      // Инфо иконка.
      "infoImg":  { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 },
      // Info text for "Buy vehicle" and "Buy slot" slots.
      // Инфо текст для слотов "Купить машину" и "Купить слот".
      "infoBuy":  { "enabled": true, "dx": 15, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1, "textFormat": {}, "shadow": {} },
      // Clan lock timer.
      // Таймер блокировки танка.
      "clanLock": { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100 },
      // Price.
      // Цена.
      "price":    { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100 },
      // Action price.
      // Акционная цена.
      "actionPrice": { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100 },
      // Favorite vehicle mark.
      // Маркер основной техники.
      "favorite": { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100 },
      // Vehicle mark with the ability to earn bonds.
      // Маркер техники с возможностью заработка бон.
      "crystalsBorder": { "enabled": true, "alpha": 50 },
      // Image in in the stats field "stats" for vehicle with the ability to earn bonds.
      // Иконка в поле статистики "stats" для техники с возможностью заработка бон.
      "crystalsIcon": { "enabled": true, "dx": 50, "dy": 50, "alpha": 100, "scale": 0.5 },
      // Core Vehicles mark for the Battle Pass.
      // Маркер ключевой техники боевого пропуска.
      "coreBorder": { "enabled": true, "alpha": 100 },
      // Stats field that appears on the mouse hover.
      // Поле статистики, отображаемое при наведении мыши.
      "stats": { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "textFormat": {}, "shadow": {} },
      // Battle Pass progression points.
      // Очки прогрессии боевого пропуска.
      "progressionPoints": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }
    // Extra cell fields (extended format supported, see extra-field.txt).
    // Дополнительные поля ячеек (поддерживается расширенный формат, см. extra-field.txt).
    "extraFields": [
	   // Slot background.
      { "x":  0, "y":  0, "layer":  "substrate", 	"width":  140,	"height":  65, "alpha":  20, "bgColor":  "0x0A0A0A" },
		{ 	"enabled":  true, "x":  131,		"y":  6,	"width":  9, 	"height":  10, "alpha":  100, "src":  "cfg://Aslain/Very/tank_{{v.type_key}}.png", "shadow":  ${ "def.otherShadow" } }, 
		{ 	"enabled":  true, "x":  128,		"y":  6,	"width":  15, 	"height":  12, "alpha":  "{{v.premium?100|{{v.special?100|{{v.elite?100|40}}}}}}", "src":  "cfg://Aslain/Very/tank_{{v.premium?premium|{{v.special?premium|{{v.elite?elite|noelite}}}}}}.png", "shadow":  "normalShadow" }, 		 
		// Vehicle name 
		{ 	"enabled":  true, "x":  0, 		"y":  0, 	"width":  136, 	"height":  20, "alpha":  50, "src":  "cfg://Aslain/Very/bg_{{v.selected?selected|normal}}.png" },
		{	"enabled":  true, "x":  25, 		"y":  4, 	"width":  85, 	"height":  20, "alpha":  90, 
			"format":  "<font size='11' face='$FieldFont' color='{{v.rent?#e64d19|{{v.premium?#e6b319|{{v.special?#e68019|#e6e6e6}}}}}}'>{{v.name}}</font>" //#E7B622 #f0d175
		// Tank tier (possible battle tier for vehicle)
		{ 	"enabled":  true,	"x":  125, 	"y":  0,	"width":  {}, 	"height":  {},	"alpha":  100, "align":  "right",
			"format":  "<font size='9'><b>{{v.rlevel}}</b></font>  <font size='7' color='#7d7d75'>({{v.battletiermin}}-{{v.battletiermax}})</font>"
		{ 	"enabled":  true,	"x":  130, 	"y":  18,	"width":  {}, 	"height":  75,	"alpha":  18, "align":  "right", "valign":  "right", "blur":  10,
			"format":  "<div><font size='36'><b>{{v.level}}</b></font></div>"
      { "enabled":  true, 	"x":  50,	"y":  22,	"width":  68, 	"height":  43, 	"alpha":  66, 	"src":  "../../gui/maps/icons/vehicle/{{v.sysname}}.png" },		
      { "enabled":  true, 	"x":  8,		"y":  35,	"width":  {}, 	"height":  {},	"alpha":  40, 	"src":  "../../gui/maps/icons/vehicle/contour/{{v.sysname}}.png", "scaleX":  ".5", "scaleY":  ".5" },

		// Total Battle (WinRate) #e3dfc6
		{	"enabled":  true,	"x":  4, 	"y":  10,	"width":  85, "height":  20, "alpha":  100, 
			"format":  "<font size='6' face='$FieldFont' color='#7d7d75'>{{v.wins|0}}/</font><font size='6' face='$FieldFont'>{{v.battles|0}}</font>  <font size='6'>(<font size='6' color='{{v.c_winrate}}'>{{v.winrate%d~%|0%}}</font>)</font></font>"

		// Vehicle nation
		{ 	"enabled":  true,	"x":  2, 	"y":  1, 	"width":  20, "height":  20,	"alpha":  100, 	"src":  "cfg://Aslain/Very/vehicleNation_{{v.nation}}.png" },
		{ 	"enabled":  true,	"x":  125, 	"y":  2,	"width":  {}, "height":  {},	"alpha":  100, "align":  "right",
			"format":  "<font size='6' color='#7d7d75'><b>{{v.nation}}</b></font>"

		// Mark On Gun   
		{ "enabled":  true, "x":  128, "y":  54, "src":  "cfg://Aslain/Very/moe_{{v.marksOnGun>0?on|of}}.png", "width":  7, "height":  12, "alpha":  "{{v.marksOnGun>0?100|50}}" },
		{ "enabled":  true, "x":  134, "y":  55, "src":  "cfg://Aslain/Very/moe_{{v.marksOnGun>2?on|of}}.png", "width":  8, "height":  14, "alpha":  "{{v.marksOnGun>2?100|50}}" },
		{ "enabled":  true, "x":  140, "y":  54, "src":  "cfg://Aslain/Very/moe_{{v.marksOnGun>1?on|of}}.png", "width":  7, "height":  12, "alpha":  "{{v.marksOnGun>1?100|50}}" },
	   { "enabled":  true, "x":  127, "y":  63,  
			"format":  "{{v.level>4?<font size='6' face='$FieldFont' >{{v.damageRating%-2.2f~%|0.00%}}</font>}}" //color='{{v.c_damageRating}}'

      { 	"enabled":  true, "x":  126, "y":  34, "alpha":  100, "src": "{{v.mastery!=0?cfg://Aslain/Very/mastery_{{v.mastery}}.png}}", "scaleX":  "0.35", "scaleY":  "0.35"},
      // XP to elite
	   { "enabled":  true,	"x":  4, "y":  24,
			"format":  "<font size='5' face='xvm' color='{{v.premium?#E7B622|{{v.elite?#E7B622|#e3dfc6}}}}'><b>!</b> <font size='5' face='$FieldFont'> {{v.earnedXP?{{v.earnedXP}}|0}}<font color='#7d7d75'>{{v.premium?|{{v.elite?|,</br> {{v.xpToEliteLeft}} to Elite}}}}</font></font></font>",
			"shadow":  ${ "def.otherShadow" }
      // Player Name
	   { "enabled":  false,	"x":  80, "y":  80, "alpha":  50,
			"format":  "<font size='6' face='$FieldFont'>{{mystat.name}}</font>",
			"shadow":  ${ "def.otherShadow" }
      // Average XP
	   { "enabled":  true,	"x":  2, "y":  42, 
			"format":  " <font size='6' face='xvm'><b>! </b></font><font face='$TitleFont' size='8'>{{v.xp%-3.1f|0.0}}</font>",
			"shadow":  ${ "def.otherShadow" }
		// xTE
		{ "enabled":  false,	"x":  35, "y":  53, 
			"format":  "{{v.xte?<font size='6'>xTE: </font><font size='6' color='{{v.c_xte}}'>{{v.xte}}</font>|}}    ",
			"shadow":  ${ "def.otherShadow" }

      // Damage per Battle / Frags per Battle / Spotted per Battle 
		{ 	"enabled":  true, 	"x":  0, 	"y":  64, "width":  136, "height":  12, "alpha":  76, "src":  "cfg://Aslain/Very/bg_normal.png" },		
		{ 	"enabled":  true,	"x":  2,	"y":  58, "valign":  "middle",
			"format":  "<font size='5' face='xvm' color='{{v.c_xtdb}}'><b>, </b></font><font face='$TitleFont' size='8' color='#7d7d75'>{{v.tdb%-4.0f|0.0}}</font><font size='5' color='#7d7d75'>({{v.wn8expd%-4.1f}})</font> <font size='6' face='xvm' color='{{v.c_hitsRatio}}'><b>H </b></font><font size='8' color='#7d7d75'>{{v.hitsRatio%-2.1f~%|0.0%}}</font>  <font size='5' face='xvm' color='{{v.c_tfb}}'><b>+ </b></font><font size='8' color='#7d7d75'>{{v.tfb%-2.2f|0.00}}</font>   <font size='8' face='xvm' color='{{v.c_tsb}}'><b>p </b></font><font size='8' color='#7d7d75'>{{v.tsb%-2.2f|0.00}}</font>"
      // CAMO
		{	"enabled":  true, "x":  58, "y":  22, "width":  8, "height":  8, "alpha":  30, "src":  "{{v.camouflageSummer!=0?../../gui/maps/icons/quests/prebattleConditions/{{v.camouflageSummer}}.png}}" },
      {  "enabled":  true, "x":  66, "y":  22, "width":  8, "height":  8, "alpha":  30, "src":  "{{v.camouflageWinter!=0?../../gui/maps/icons/quests/prebattleConditions/{{v.camouflageWinter}}.png}}" },
      {  "enabled":  true, "x":  73, "y":  22, "width":  8, "height":  8, "alpha":  30, "src":  "{{v.camouflageDesert!=0?../../gui/maps/icons/quests/prebattleConditions/{{v.camouflageDesert}}.png}}" },
		// Favorite position
		{	"enabled":  true, "x":  129, "y":  21, "width":  13, "height":  13, "alpha":  "15", "src":  "cfg://Aslain/Very/tank_favorite0.png" },


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