NotMe71 Posted December 26, 2014 Posted December 26, 2014 Aslain, I figured how to scale carousel smaller then 0.8 but the writing inside doesn't scale right (for example I can't see the mastery symbol. What value do I need to change to get it to scale right? Or can we add another level below 0.8? Quote
Administrator Aslain Posted December 26, 2014 Administrator Posted December 26, 2014 This is why I limited the options for carousel labels, they don't scale well. You have to change their cords and sizes manualy, unless XVM devs added scale macro to carousel "extraFields" I asked them for that, but they said "it's not needed"... Quote
NotMe71 Posted December 26, 2014 Author Posted December 26, 2014 Thanks for all your hard work Aslain, will play with it Quote
verahsa Posted July 14 Posted July 14 I spent a goodly portion of the morning going through and modifying carouselNormal.xc for to allow for what boils down to a 50% scale of the carousel for 3 rows with Very's stats and everything lined out properly. I run a 4k monitor, 3 rows of "normal" was literally taking up half the screen. I did not like the "small" carousel, as it removed a lot of detail that I liked. I went looking for a solution, and found that of course it was manual only, as Aslain mentioned it does not move cleanly. While going to percentage based size & locations would work, it would take waaaay too much effort. Solving it for a 4k monitor in a sane way, however, worked just fine. Posting this in case someone else who does not have the patience or knowledge to tinker with an .xc file would like something pre-built. Open the carouselNormal.xc in res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain and replace the contents with this after making a copy. /** * Normal carousel cells settings. * Настройки ячеек карусели обычного размера. */ { // Definitions. // Шаблоны. "def": { // Text fields shadow. // Тень текстовых полей. "textFieldShadow": { "enabled": true, "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 100, "blur": 2, "strength": 2, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }, "normalShadow": { "enabled": true, "color": "{{v.premium?#642D1A|#434343}}", "alpha": 70, "blur": 6, "strength": 3, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }, "otherShadow": { "enabled": true, "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 100, "blur": 6, "strength": 4, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 } }, "normal": { // Cell width. // Ширина ячейки. "width": 150, // Cell height. // Высота ячейки. "height": 75, // Spacing between carousel cells. // Отступ между ячейками карусели. "gap": 1, // Standard cell elements. // Стандартные элементы ячеек. "fields": { // "enabled" - the visibility of the element / видимость элемента // "dx" - horizontal shift / смещение по горизонтали // "dy" - vertical shift / смещение по вертикали // "alpha" - transparency / прозрачность // "scale" - scale / масштаб // // Nation flag. // Флаг нации. "flag": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, // Vehicle icon. // Иконка танка. "tankIcon": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, // Vehicle class icon. // Иконка типа техники. "tankType": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, // Vehicle level. // Уровень техники. "level": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, // Double XP icon. // Иконка не сбитого опыта за первую победу в день. "xp": { "enabled": true, "dx": -32, "dy": 69, "alpha": 200, "scale": 0.5 }, // Vehicle name. // Название танка. "tankName": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1, "textFormat": {}, "shadow": {} }, // Vehicle rent info text. // Инфо текст аренды танка. "rentInfo": { "enabled": true, "dx": 50, "dy": 0, "alpha": 70, "scale": 1, "textFormat": {}, "shadow": "otherShadow" }, // Info text (Crew incomplete, Repairs required). // Инфо текст (Неполный экипаж, Требуется ремонт). "info": { "enabled": true, "dx": 6, "dy": 8, "alpha": 70, "scale": 1, "textFormat": {}, "shadow": "otherShadow" }, // Info image. // Инфо иконка. "infoImg": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, // Info text for "Buy vehicle" and "Buy slot" slots. // Инфо текст для слотов "Купить машину" и "Купить слот". "infoBuy": { "enabled": true, "dx": 15, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1, "textFormat": {}, "shadow": {} }, // Clan lock timer. // Таймер блокировки танка. "clanLock": { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100 }, // Price. // Цена. "price": { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100 }, // Action price. // Акционная цена. "actionPrice": { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100 }, // Favorite vehicle mark. // Маркер основной техники. "favorite": { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100 }, // Vehicle mark with the ability to earn bonds. // Маркер техники с возможностью заработка бон. "crystalsBorder": { "enabled": true, "alpha": 50 }, // Image in in the stats field "stats" for vehicle with the ability to earn bonds. // Иконка в поле статистики "stats" для техники с возможностью заработка бон. "crystalsIcon": { "enabled": true, "dx": 50, "dy": 50, "alpha": 100, "scale": 0.5 }, // Core Vehicles mark for the Battle Pass. // Маркер ключевой техники боевого пропуска. "coreBorder": { "enabled": true, "alpha": 100 }, // Stats field that appears on the mouse hover. // Поле статистики, отображаемое при наведении мыши. "stats": { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "textFormat": {}, "shadow": {} }, // Battle Pass progression points. // Очки прогрессии боевого пропуска. "progressionPoints": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 } }, // Extra cell fields (extended format supported, see extra-field.txt). // Дополнительные поля ячеек (поддерживается расширенный формат, см. extra-field.txt). "extraFields": [ // Slot background. { "x": 0, "y": 0, "layer": "substrate", "width": 140, "height": 65, "alpha": 20, "bgColor": "0x0A0A0A" }, // TANK TYPE { "enabled": true, "x": 131, "y": 6, "width": 9, "height": 10, "alpha": 100, "src": "cfg://Aslain/Very/tank_{{v.type_key}}.png", "shadow": ${ "def.otherShadow" } }, { "enabled": true, "x": 128, "y": 6, "width": 15, "height": 12, "alpha": "{{v.premium?100|{{v.special?100|{{v.elite?100|40}}}}}}", "src": "cfg://Aslain/Very/tank_{{v.premium?premium|{{v.special?premium|{{v.elite?elite|noelite}}}}}}.png", "shadow": "normalShadow" }, // Vehicle name { "enabled": true, "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 136, "height": 20, "alpha": 50, "src": "cfg://Aslain/Very/bg_{{v.selected?selected|normal}}.png" }, { "enabled": true, "x": 25, "y": 4, "width": 85, "height": 20, "alpha": 90, "format": "<font size='11' face='$FieldFont' color='{{|{{v.premium?#e6b319|{{v.special?#e68019|#e6e6e6}}}}}}'>{{}}</font>" //#E7B622 #f0d175 }, // Tank tier (possible battle tier for vehicle) { "enabled": true, "x": 125, "y": 0, "width": {}, "height": {}, "alpha": 100, "align": "right", "format": "<font size='9'><b>{{v.rlevel}}</b></font> <font size='7' color='#7d7d75'>({{v.battletiermin}}-{{v.battletiermax}})</font>" }, { "enabled": true, "x": 130, "y": 18, "width": {}, "height": 75, "alpha": 18, "align": "right", "valign": "right", "blur": 10, "format": "<div><font size='36'><b>{{v.level}}</b></font></div>" }, // TANK ICON { "enabled": true, "x": 50, "y": 22, "width": 68, "height": 43, "alpha": 66, "src": "../../gui/maps/icons/vehicle/{{v.sysname}}.png" }, { "enabled": true, "x": 8, "y": 35, "width": {}, "height": {}, "alpha": 40, "src": "../../gui/maps/icons/vehicle/contour/{{v.sysname}}.png", "scaleX": ".5", "scaleY": ".5" }, // Total Battle (WinRate) #e3dfc6 { "enabled": true, "x": 4, "y": 10, "width": 85, "height": 20, "alpha": 100, "format": "<font size='6' face='$FieldFont' color='#7d7d75'>{{v.wins|0}}/</font><font size='6' face='$FieldFont'>{{v.battles|0}}</font> <font size='6'>(<font size='6' color='{{v.c_winrate}}'>{{v.winrate%d~%|0%}}</font>)</font></font>" }, // Vehicle nation { "enabled": true, "x": 2, "y": 1, "width": 20, "height": 20, "alpha": 100, "src": "cfg://Aslain/Very/vehicleNation_{{v.nation}}.png" }, { "enabled": true, "x": 125, "y": 2, "width": {}, "height": {}, "alpha": 100, "align": "right", "format": "<font size='6' color='#7d7d75'><b>{{v.nation}}</b></font>" }, // Mark On Gun { "enabled": true, "x": 128, "y": 54, "src": "cfg://Aslain/Very/moe_{{v.marksOnGun>0?on|of}}.png", "width": 7, "height": 12, "alpha": "{{v.marksOnGun>0?100|50}}" }, { "enabled": true, "x": 134, "y": 55, "src": "cfg://Aslain/Very/moe_{{v.marksOnGun>2?on|of}}.png", "width": 8, "height": 14, "alpha": "{{v.marksOnGun>2?100|50}}" }, { "enabled": true, "x": 140, "y": 54, "src": "cfg://Aslain/Very/moe_{{v.marksOnGun>1?on|of}}.png", "width": 7, "height": 12, "alpha": "{{v.marksOnGun>1?100|50}}" }, { "enabled": true, "x": 127, "y": 63, "format": "{{v.level>4?<font size='6' face='$FieldFont' >{{v.damageRating%-2.2f~%|0.00%}}</font>}}" //color='{{v.c_damageRating}}' }, // MASTERY ICON { "enabled": true, "x": 126, "y": 34, "alpha": 100, "src": "{{v.mastery!=0?cfg://Aslain/Very/mastery_{{v.mastery}}.png}}", "scaleX": "0.35", "scaleY": "0.35"}, // XP to elite { "enabled": true, "x": 4, "y": 24, "format": "<font size='5' face='xvm' color='{{v.premium?#E7B622|{{v.elite?#E7B622|#e3dfc6}}}}'><b>!</b> <font size='5' face='$FieldFont'> {{v.earnedXP?{{v.earnedXP}}|0}}<font color='#7d7d75'>{{v.premium?|{{v.elite?|,</br> {{v.xpToEliteLeft}} to Elite}}}}</font></font></font>", "shadow": ${ "def.otherShadow" } }, // Player Name { "enabled": false, "x": 80, "y": 80, "alpha": 50, "format": "<font size='6' face='$FieldFont'>{{}}</font>", "shadow": ${ "def.otherShadow" } }, // Average XP { "enabled": true, "x": 2, "y": 42, "format": " <font size='6' face='xvm'><b>! </b></font><font face='$TitleFont' size='8'>{{v.xp%-3.1f|0.0}}</font>", "shadow": ${ "def.otherShadow" } }, // xTE { "enabled": false, "x": 35, "y": 53, "format": "{{v.xte?<font size='6'>xTE: </font><font size='6' color='{{v.c_xte}}'>{{v.xte}}</font>|}} ", "shadow": ${ "def.otherShadow" } }, // Damage per Battle / Frags per Battle / Spotted per Battle { "enabled": true, "x": 0, "y": 64, "width": 136, "height": 12, "alpha": 76, "src": "cfg://Aslain/Very/bg_normal.png" }, { "enabled": true, "x": 2, "y": 58, "valign": "middle", "format": "<font size='5' face='xvm' color='{{v.c_xtdb}}'><b>, </b></font><font face='$TitleFont' size='8' color='#7d7d75'>{{v.tdb%-4.0f|0.0}}</font><font size='5' color='#7d7d75'>({{v.wn8expd%-4.1f}})</font> <font size='6' face='xvm' color='{{v.c_hitsRatio}}'><b>H </b></font><font size='8' color='#7d7d75'>{{v.hitsRatio%-2.1f~%|0.0%}}</font> <font size='5' face='xvm' color='{{v.c_tfb}}'><b>+ </b></font><font size='8' color='#7d7d75'>{{v.tfb%-2.2f|0.00}}</font> <font size='8' face='xvm' color='{{v.c_tsb}}'><b>p </b></font><font size='8' color='#7d7d75'>{{v.tsb%-2.2f|0.00}}</font>" }, // CAMO { "enabled": true, "x": 58, "y": 22, "width": 8, "height": 8, "alpha": 30, "src": "{{v.camouflageSummer!=0?../../gui/maps/icons/quests/prebattleConditions/{{v.camouflageSummer}}.png}}" }, { "enabled": true, "x": 66, "y": 22, "width": 8, "height": 8, "alpha": 30, "src": "{{v.camouflageWinter!=0?../../gui/maps/icons/quests/prebattleConditions/{{v.camouflageWinter}}.png}}" }, { "enabled": true, "x": 73, "y": 22, "width": 8, "height": 8, "alpha": 30, "src": "{{v.camouflageDesert!=0?../../gui/maps/icons/quests/prebattleConditions/{{v.camouflageDesert}}.png}}" }, // Favorite position { "enabled": true, "x": 129, "y": 21, "width": 13, "height": 13, "alpha": "15", "src": "cfg://Aslain/Very/tank_favorite0.png" }, {} ] } } Quote
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