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King Tiger (c) Missing Labels for where to hit critical parts

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I was just in a match where I ran into a king tiger (c) just like what I was driving.  However none of the labels showing the critical hit areas, like ammo, driver, loader, engine, fire, etc were showing.  I watched him pass another vehicle and he appeared to be missing them still.  I don't know if this is simply an oversight on my part or if this has been reported and is known to be a problem or if the tiger c labeling is missing or if there is now a counter mod that suppresses the label showing where those items I listed above are on the tank.


I just watched the replay as well and it shows nothing on its side and even shows it missing the front part of the armor on the right that would be above the first wheel of the track wheels.  I also noticed the tank in front of me that was an ally seemed be missing some labels as well.


Please let me know if this is normal or if this is something new in terms of a mod to cancel out the labels of critical areas.

replay_last_battle.wotreplay temp.wotreplay Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip

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