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WN8 Expected Values on Carousel

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Heya, Aslain. Just wondering if you can give me the code I need to add WN8 expected win rate to my carousel.
I only need the 'v.wn8exp<winrate>xxxxxxxx' part.

Thanks in advance.

  • Administrator

Macro: {{v.wn8expd%-4d|--}}


My line:    { "x": 1, "y": 61, "format": "<font face='XVMSymbol' size='13' color='#CCCCCC'>#</font> <b><font face='$FieldFont' size='12'><font color='#60FF00'>{{v.wn8expd%-4d|--}}</font></b>",

"shadow": {"blur":8, "strength": 3} }
  • Administrator

Oh, sorry, you wanted wn8 win rate? There is no such macro.
You can use only these:

Macros available in hangar
  TC - tank carousel
  SQ - squad window
  'X' - available
  ' ' - not available (can return wrong value - '', 'NaN', 'undefined', ...)
  '.' - TODO
  '-' - Obsoleted (will be replaced with other macro)
│ macro                      │ TC│ SQ│ Description
│ {{v.vehId}}                │ X │ . │ vehicle id
│ {{v.battles}}              │ X │ . │ total battles count for current vehicle
│ {{v.c_battles}}            │ X │ . │ color for battles count
│ {{v.kb}}                   │ X │ . │ number of kilo-battles for current vehicle
│ {{v.hb}}                   │ X │ . │ number of hecto-battles for current vehicle (hecto = 100)
│ {{v.wins}}                 │ X │ . │ total wins count for current vehicle
│ {{v.mastery}}              │ X │ . │ mastery sign for current vehicle
│ {{v.xp}}                   │ X │ . │ average XP gained on current vehicle
│ {{v.fullname}}             │ X │ . │ localized full vehicle name
│ {{v.name}}                 │ X │ . │ localized compact vehicle name
│ {{v.sysname}}              │ X │ . │ vehicle system name (usa-M24_Chaffee)
│ {{v.shortname}}            │ X │ . │ localized short vehicle name
│ {{v.type}}                 │ X │ . │ vehicle type (text substitution from config)
│ {{v.c_type}}               │ X │ . │ color for vehicle type
│ {{v.level}}                │ X │ . │ vehicle level (Arabic numerals)
│ {{v.rlevel}}               │ X │ . │ vehicle level (Roman numerals)
│ {{v.battletiermin}}        │ X │ . │ minimal vehicle battle tier
│ {{v.battletiermax}}        │ X │ . │ maximal vehicle battle tier
│ {{v.nation}}               │ X │ . │ vehicle nation
│ {{v.premium}}              │ X │ . │ 'premium' for premium, empty for normal vehicle
│ {{v.elite}}                │ X │ . │ 'elite' for elite, empty for normal vehicle
│ {{v.maxHP}}                │ X │ . │ maximum vehicle health points
│ {{v.hitsRatio}}            │ X │ . │ percent of hits
│ {{v.c_hitsRatio}}          │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro
│ {{v.winrate}}              │ X │ . │ vehicle win rate (percent of wins on this vehicle)
│ {{v.c_winrate}}            │ X │ . │ color for win rate
│ {{v.tdb}}                  │ X │ . │ average damage - damage / battles
│ {{v.c_tdb}}                │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro
│ {{v.tdv}}                  │ X │ . │ average damage efficiency - damage / (battles * maxHP)
│ {{v.c_tdv}}                │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro
│ {{v.tfb}}                  │ X │ . │ average frags per battle
│ {{v.c_tfb}}                │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro
│ {{v.tsb}}                  │ X │ . │ average number of spotted enemies per battle
│ {{v.c_tsb}}                │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro
│ {{v.wn8expd}}              │ X │ . │ WN8 expected tank damage
│ {{v.wn8effd}}              │ X │ . │ WN8 effective tank damage (avgdmg / expected_dmg)
│ {{v.c_wn8effd}}            │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro
│ {{v.earnedXP}}             │ X │ . │ earned XP
│ {{v.marksOnGun}}           │ X │ . │ marks on gun
│ {{v.damageRating}}         │ X │ . │ damage rating in percents for marks on gun
│ {{v.c_damageRating}}       │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro
│ {{v.teff}}, {{v.e}}        │ . │ . │ player's per-vehicle efficiency 
│ {{v.c_e}}                  │ . │ . │ dynamic color for this macro
│ {{v.equipment1}}           │ . │ . │ small icon of equipment in 1st slot
│ {{v.equipment2}}           │ . │ . │ small icon of equipment in 2nd slot
│ {{v.equipment3}}           │ . │ . │ small icon of equipment in 3rd slot
│ {{v.consumable1}}          │ . │ . │ small icon of consumable in 1st slot
│ {{v.consumable2}}          │ . │ . │ small icon of consumable in 2nd slot
│ {{v.consumable3}}          │ . │ . │ small icon of consumable in 3rd slot
│ {{v.xpForTop}}             │ . │ . │ XP points required for top tank
│ {{v.xpForExpert}}          │ . │ . │ XP points required for expert tank
│ {{v.shootRange}}           │ . │ . │ actual shoot range
│ {{v.viewRange}}            │ . │ . │ actual view range
│ {{v.dpm}}                  │ . │ . │ actual damage per minute
│ {{v.gunAvgDamage}}         │ . │ . │ average damage for current gun AP/CR/HE
│ {{v.gunAvgHit}}            │ . │ . │ average penetration for current gun AP/CR/HE
│ {{v.gunDispersion}}        │ . │ . │ base dispersion at 100 m for current gun
│ {{v.gunAimingTime}}        │ . │ . │ base aiming time for current gun
│ {{v.selected}}             │ X │ . │ 'sel' for selected, empty for others
│ {{l10n:ID}}                │ . │ . │ localizated text, see en.xc for id
  • Upvote 1
  • 1 month later...

Have macros been changed? My WN8 expected aren't working any longer.

EDIT: Just checked, and the macro is still the same, but all that is showing on my tanks for expected damage is '--' instead of a numerical value.
Here's a picture of what I mean and my customized carousel script.
If you have a moment, I'd appreciate if you could take a peek and let me know if anything is incorrect. Thanks in advance.


  "carousel": {
    // false - Disable customizable carousel.
    "enabled": true,
    // Scale of carousel cells.
    "zoom": 0.8,
    // Number of rows at carousel.
    "rows": 4,
    // Spacing between carousel cells.
    "padding": {
        "horizontal": 2,
        "vertical": 2
    // true - show filters only if all tanks do not fit on the screen.
    "alwaysShowFilters": true,
    // true - hide cell "Buy tank".
    "hideBuyTank": false,
    // true - hide cell "Buy slot".
    "hideBuySlot": false,
    // Visibility filters.
    "filters": {
      // false - hide filter.
      "nation":   { "enabled": true },  // nation
      "type":     { "enabled": true },  // vehicle class
      "level":    { "enabled": true },  // vehicle level
      "favorite": { "enabled": true },  // favorite tanks
      "prefs":    { "enabled": true }   // other filters
    // Standard cell elements.
    "fields": {
      // "visible"  - the visibility of the element
      // "dx"       - horizontal shift
      // "dy"       - vertical shift
      // "alpha"    - transparency
      // "scale"    - scale
      // Vehicle class icon.
      "tankType": { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 },
      // Vehicle level.
      "level":    { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 },
      "multiXp":  { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 },
      "xp":       { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 },
      // Vehicle name.
      "tankName": { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }
   "extraFields": [
    { "x": 41, "y": 0,
        "format": "<b><font size='11' color='#C8C8B5'>[{{v.battletiermin}}-{{v.battletiermax}}]</font></b>",
         "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 3, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
    { "x": 0, "y": 15,
        "format": "<font face='XVMSymbol' size='16' color='#CCCCCC'>$</font><b><font size='11' face='$FieldFont' color='{{v.c_battles}}'>{{v.battles|--}}</font></b>",
        "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
    { "x": 0, "y": 30,
        "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/Wins.png' width='13' height='13'>"
    { "x":15, "y": 32,
        "format": "<b><font size='11' face='$FieldFont' color='{{v.c_winrate}}'>{{v.winrate%2d~%}}</font></b>",
        "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
    { "x": 0, "y": 45,
        "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/Damage.png' width='13' height='13'>"
    { "x": 13, "y": 46,
        "format": "<b><font size='11' face='$FieldFont' color='{{v.c_tdb}}'>{{v.tdb%4d}}</font></b>",
        "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
    { "x": 37, "y": 46,
        "format": "<b><font size='11' face='$FieldFont' color='#FFFFFF'>/ {{v.wn8expd%-4d|--}}</font></b>",
        "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
    { "x": 69, "y": -3,
    "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/proficiency/class_icons_{{v.mastery}}.png' width='20' height='20'>"
    { "x": 72, "y": 15,
        "format": "<img src='cfg://Aslain/icons/mog{{v.marksOnGun|empty}}.png' width='12' height='14'>"
    { "x": 87, "y": 15,
        "format": "<b><font size='11' face='$FieldFont' color='{{v.c_damageRating}}'>{{v.damageRating%-2.2f~%}}</font></b>",
        "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }

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