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wrong version

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i downloaded the version of WOT and it says that is the lastest version but somehow i can download here the version modpack. so is this ment to be ahead of updates and i have to get the version modpack or is it normal and can be used cause i downloaded the modpack and it doesn't work.

  • Administrator

Don't look at the version in the game launcher, it has nothing to do with the mods. It's the way WG is versioning their game between their patches, what is important to us is the real version which is currently (can be also found in paths.xml file). You need the modpack for

  • Upvote 1

oh i see its indeed, but i still have the problem downloading it. i put the mods in my "World _of_Tanks" map but it doesn't work and i got no idea how to use mods eithers. i just activate the installer, i put them in the map that i mentioned, then select my mods, then install and then it doesn't work. it does say that (it looks like) world of tanks isn't installed in that map.

  • Administrator

You need to find out where you have installed the game, and select the same folder in the installer, it should tell you in the top right porition of installer's window that EU client is detected.


update: i put my mods now in my World_of_Tanks_EU map and now the error message doesn't show up, ones it"s installed i'll tell you if it worked or not.

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