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U.S. Stars and Stripes replaced with Confederate Stars and Bars

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17 hours ago, Aslain said:

            Historical flags from 19th century
               with classical background flags

Thank you. That worked fine.


I would suggest that Confederate Stars and Bars be dropped altogether and substitute the 35 star union flag:


Our country has been purging the flying of the Stars and Bars as well as removing/relocating  confederate statues. Stars and Bars represent slavery. Please remove it. Thanks again.

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This mod is made by russian modder, I don't think he will listen to that recommendations. Also they are valid for 19th century, kind of, but I understand the issue. We have the same here with soviet flag and markings, which are forbidden here in Poland where I live, but yet WG is using it in the game. 

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  • 9 months later...
On 4/13/2020 at 7:57 PM, Willy55 said:

Thank you. That worked fine.


I would suggest that Confederate Stars and Bars be dropped altogether and substitute the 35 star union flag:


Our country has been purging the flying of the Stars and Bars as well as removing/relocating  confederate statues. Stars and Bars represent slavery. Please remove it. Thanks again.

Let them keep the Stars and Bars mod, nothing wrong with it. The U.S. is being blindly guided by bigots and racists trying to erase the history of states that sought freedom from the U.S. just as the colonies did from England. Hopefully rational minds will prevail and all the racist and bigoted attacks against Southern related things will stop. Look up some history and you'll see the Union had slave states as well and slaves weren't freed until years after the war when the Southern states ratified the change to the constitution to free the slaves. The United States had slaves for over 89 years and lincoln made many racist speeches along with his generals owning slaves do we ban the U.S. flag as well? The war wasn't about slavery it was about resources and revenue.

Edited by N4cer67
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Banned (historically accurate) flags are requested often.  EG German, IJN, Russian, China/Taiwan. 

Some countries have laws banning them.  Yes, it would be nice if Polish law was listened to.  Maybe the Russian company doesn't want to do anything about it.  But German, China, IJN are big powerful countries.

Flags are banned for a reason.  The game doesn't need more divisive distractions. 

My comments are meant to be constructive.

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8 hours ago, kartane said:

Banned (historically accurate) flags are requested often.  EG German, IJN, Russian, China/Taiwan. 

Some countries have laws banning them.  Yes, it would be nice if Polish law was listened to.  Maybe the Russian company doesn't want to do anything about it.  But German, China, IJN are big powerful countries.

Flags are banned for a reason.  The game doesn't need more divisive distractions. 

My comments are meant to be constructive.

Stars and Bars isn't banned. Although the U.S. flag could be for all the war crimes committed during it's invasion of the C.S.A. along with trying to exterminate the native Americans. I can understand the Nazi flag ban since it belonged to a group that wanted to take over the world and the Russian & Chinese flags for everything they've done trying to take over everything along with the Japanese for their ambitions to take over China and surrounding areas. The C.S.A. only wanted freedom for it's people like the American colonies did from England and so many other countries have done against oppressive leadership.

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