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Tank Carosel


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would be nice to have a sort button that shows all your Elite tanks......


for when farming Free XP on x3 and x5 days.....



Thank You


Could you add an option to include damagerating on MoE ?


I add this manually:


// MoE
{ "x": 4, "y": 80, 
"format": "<font face='Tahoma' size='10' color='{{v.c_damageRating}}'>{{v.marksOnGun}}  {{v.damageRating%4.2f~%}}</font>", 
"shadow": { "alpha": 80, "angle": 0.8, "blur": 2, "color": "0x000000", "distance": 0, "enabled": true, "strength": 4}

I know it's a small thing, but a few patches back when you selected a tier in the carousel mod, it showed only that tier, now if you are trying to switch tiers, you've got to deselect the current tier you've got and then select a new one, or else it will display both.


For someone with over 100 tanks, this can be a bit annoying.


While we are in the garage here...In the bottom right hand corner where u click the "stat info box" information thing that gives u WN8 and EFF, games won-loss etc.. .  What do the stars at the top mean and the number assigned..like 1 thru 4.  And there is a Navy looking shoulder board rank thing there.  ??  What is that in relation too?


I know it's a small thing, but a few patches back when you selected a tier in the carousel mod, it showed only that tier, now if you are trying to switch tiers, you've got to deselect the current tier you've got and then select a new one, or else it will display both.


For someone with over 100 tanks, this can be a bit annoying.


Well I like it, and I have 100+

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