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BACKSPACE revealing ur Equipment/Consumables BUGGY

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Whenever I press the BACKSPACE IN-GAME to see what consumables & equipment I have on my tank, several of the new equipment choices appear only as a RED BOX which includes the words; TEXTURE NOT FOUND so I cannot tell what equipment that represents.
I have included pics showing the RED BOXes & what should be shown.


See pics:

The Turbo & Improved Hardening equipment choices (as well as others) show up ONLY as RED BOXes with TEXTURE NOT FOUND written inside.

Several other pieces of equipment are also effected & only show the RED BOX.


Please look into this so the issue can be corrected, I am sure it is simply a matter of updating to the new equipment choices. I know its not that easy but you get what I am saying.


LOVE your mod pack, it is the best. It is SO full of valuable options & I encourage anyone & everyone to use your mod pack & to support you as often as possible.

Thank you for all your hard work, unflappable efforts & of course your dedication to your fans, patrons & the game of WoT.

I would be lost without my mod pack & I have you to thank for making my game so much MORE fun.

Thank you so much;






  • Administrator

Too bad you didnt attach logs, that things are important. I will try to find a solution to this issue, meanwhile I recommend to use a use better mod for it: In battle statistics by RaJCeL.

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