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unboundMinimap Missing From battle_layout.xml

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I play on triple monitors and after every patch I would go into the battle_layout.xml and change the <distanceFromGlue>1925</distanceFromGlue> in the <id>unboundMinimap</id> in order to move the minimap more towards the center.  However after the last update, there is no more <id>unboundMinimap</id> element. How can I move the minimap from the edge of the screen now?

I will attach the xml from last patch and also the new one that is missing the "unboundMinimap"


It would be really great if someone could make the minimap draggable. I will pay handsomely!

battle_layout.xml battle_layout.xml

  • Administrator

It has changed with the 10.5.0, they moved it to unbound2 I guess, so to change the position of minimap you may have to make changes to proper unbound files imho.


Maybe main_hud.unbound, and change the position like I change the position of ribbons.


Attached original file: main_hud.unbound

  • Administrator

Ok I made a mod for you, I will attach explanation.

With every game update you have to unpack main_hud.unbound


wowsunpack.exe -x "bin\4046169\idx" -I *main_hud.unbound -p ..\..\..\res_packages -o res_unpack\10.5.0\


your file will be in res_unpack\10.5.0\ folder.


Copy it to: c:\Games\World_of_Warships\bin\4046169\res_mods\gui\unbound2\pc\battle\main_hud.unbound



(element BattleMinimapUb2 $autoPerfTestGroup='minimap')

Change to:

(element BattleMinimapUb2 $autoPerfTestGroup='minimap'
			(marginRight = "500")

The 500 is distance from the right, change the value to whatever suits you.





Im kind of an idiot and this is my 1st time try to unpack anything.

Am I supposed to paste "-x "bin\4046169\idx" -I *main_hud.unbound -p ..\..\..\res_packages -o res_unpack\10.5.0\"  in the Unpack tool like in the screen shot?


What am I to do with:   

wowsunpack.exe -x "bin\4046169\idx" -I *main_hud.unbound -p ..\..\..\res_packages -o res_unpack\10.5.0\     



Sorry to be a bother.


Screenshot 2021-06-25 214533.png


See attachment; The only place I can find the main_hud.unbound


Just so were on the same page. I am trying to move the minimap inwards like in the screenshot.


  • Administrator

I gave you a command line command.


Use it like that:



However if you want you can use the wows unpack tool, in that case my command is useless, just unpack the file, don't paste the command line there, it's not for that thing.


You are installing  a mod from Badobest that is already using that file to mod it, so you can make your changes in that file instead.

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