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Game resource path does not exist

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The only mod pack I can download is, but NA is still

I receive "Game resource path does not exist  C:/Games/World_of_Tanks/res_mods/1.14.04/" error.


Thanks in advance for any help.


image.png.8fc5ce9bcaa47c383d7f30cc9ae3a971.pngInteresting, not sure why my client shows it has the latest version then...

Went to settings and am currently running game repair.


(thanks for the quick response btw, much appreciated)

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WGC version is totally useless. Always check \mods\ or \res_mods\


But if your game complains about game resource, that's weird.


I think was the one that updated after closing game back then.. so it didn't really feel "needed" in that sense.. hmm.


Your WGC version is the same as mine. But I have folder.


Very weird. 😄


I guess you might need to hit Game Settings, and then Check & Repair.

I'm not sure what else... hmm.

Maybe paths.xml file (in WoT folder) is being dumb.

What does it say inside that file, at the top?

It should be:

    <Path cacheSubdirs="true">./res_mods/</Path>
    <Path mask="*.wotmod" mode="recursive" root="res">./mods/</Path>

  • Upvote 1

Thanks Quaksen, looks like we were thinking the same thing. I went to settings and ran the repair. Did not getting any notices that something was fixed, but the game did boot correctly, and it appears things are working now after running it. Thanks again for your quick help!

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