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XVM not displaying stats correctly

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Used your installer and chose to display WN8 with WOTlabs color scheme (with 2 red colors), but in game I'm getting the default WOTlabs scheme and it is only showing me player's Personal Ratings on all in-game panels (Advanced Stats is my chosen option for Tab key while in battle). Attached the logs below.




You have to adjust that on the side of XVM. In the settings.


Never once had to do that, ever. Been using this modpack since 9.5 I think, installed the game around then. The latest modpack had the WN8 color and rating options completely removed from the installer executable. I know I can do it manually, like everyone can, but I thought the idea of this modpack was to make it easy to install and configure mods correctly, so I wanted to put in the bug report for it. I've updated the information along with a screenshot of the Battle Load window in a newer post.

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