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High Credit Game Play Rewards

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G'day ,

While recently watching gameplay replays from the EU server I have noticed that the credits seem to be that much higher than it is for us here on the Asian server.

I have compared some of my games where I got the same amount of kills and roughly the same damage, but only to find the Silver that was rewarded was twice as much, come win or lose. I have a premium account so it can't be that....

Any ideas

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There are some other factors on credit earnings. If you track someone and another teammate issues damage, you will earn credits and XP for that damage. If you spot another tank and another teammate issues damage, you will earn more credits and XP for that damage as well. Someone else correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall reading on the forums a while back that your credits and XP amounts that you earn are also determined by if you are damaging a tank of lower tier, equal tier or higher tier than yourself.

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We had a whole weekend of X2 for every game. I ground the WT4 to the WT E100 all in one day, it was great, and the next day completed the grind for the M103............


I don't understand why it differs so much, and some continents get crapped on, surly all the costs to play the game are the same, Gold, Premium, Consumables, Modules etc, no matter what continent you are from, the currency is all in US dollars??

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I think it kinda sucks that not all servers have the same basic missions and rules (regarding mods, in this case), it kind of seperates the community a little, imo.

Like you said, it's the same game and most of it's content is the same on all servers too; so why have different missions!?


For some stuff I can see fit though, like special holidays maybe or different events to counter differences in seasonal login-behaviours maybe.


I have to say though, in this day and age, the whole world is connected via the internet and I really like to learn about and to celebrate other nation's customs.

And at the end of the day, it would be more and more equal rewards for everyone everywhere. =)


Lastly, regarding the different credit-rewards, I didn't really do the research like you did but I would imagine that, along with the things that have been stated already, the main difference might be to find in the tiers/tanks that have been played.


I'm assuming that you checked results for the same tanks, so if other players had almost the exact same battle results, in terms of damage and assists, then the increased credit rewards might be simply due to damaging higher tier tanks, instead of equal or lower stuff.

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They already separated us by creating different forums. I miss the days of Closed Beta, one big server for everyone except russians, all communities there. You guys from USA probably not that much, cuz of latency but still.... One worldwide forums, now they split us, and trying to seprate us...

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Could very well be the case that it's simply more often but I couldn't say that it's a whole lot (but then again, I don't play on NA server either).


Could have something to do with login-behaviour/seasonal drops, where each server tries to cope with those in their own ways.

Not sure how bad EU is, compared to NA. If it's worse, it'd make sense to offer more such things over here during summer and/or on weekends; to get the folks in front of the PC.

But: Idk. =3

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