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Contour Icons + Vehicle names colored by ally/enemy

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As the topic suggest, those are the settings



With certain contour icons you get different results though.


Regular produces this


and is intended, as I assume.


Classical produces that


and is missing the Player name, as well as not making the Vehicle names green.


Experimental centered produces the following


which is a mix of the above and not making Vehicle names green, while adding the Player name.

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  • Administrator
Classical produces this and is missing the Playernames, as well as not making the Vehicle names green


Classical works like that: You cannot get a photoshop icons to be colored by ally/enemy color, you have to use tank names instead - use the Regular iconset instead.


As for player names, the Classical and Experimental centered are not supporting player names over tank name, it's being automaticaly unchecked.

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I guess, what the other guy in the main forum wants was to have the normal Tank name like with Regular icons, instead of using the same icon for the OTM, like is used in the playerspanel.


No matter what contour icons you pick, as long as you select Vehicle name colored by ally/enemy, you should always get green tank names (normal font, not using contour icons like in the playerspanel)?

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  • Administrator
No matter what contour icons you pick, as long as you select Vehicle colored by ally/enemy, you should always get green tank names (normal font, not using contour icons like in the playerspanel)?


XVM cannot color these png icons, it can color a txt tank name only, but not a png tank name

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You don't have to.


Obviously, something is different when you choose Regular contour icons.

They only get applied in the playerspanel and the Over Target Marker stays green and won't be changed to the same contour icons.


While with Experimental centered and Classical you get the same icons as Over Target Markers, like you get for the playerspanel.


Or maybe I don't understand it correctly?

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There is difference for classical and experimental centered, if you install one of then, their icon is displayed at different coordinates, and this is incompatible with players name option. This is why I disabled Players Name for both, otherwise it would overlap on tank name. I will see if I can do something about it.

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Can't you just disable those icons from being used as OTMs when Vehicle names colored by ally/enemy is selected?


So people can have the contour icons in the playerspanel but can still keep the green/red tanknames if they select it, instead of forcing them to also have those icons as OTMs?


(Personally I don't care but I can see people wanting to do this)



E: Also, Player name works with Exp. centered; currently anyway.

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  • Administrator
Can't you just disable those icons from being used as OTMs when Vehicle names colored by ally/enemy is selected?


I will see if it's possible, there is very reason it is working like that.




E: Also, Player name works with Exp. centered; currently anyway.



Yeah, guess I was mistaken, there is tons of dependencies hard to remember it all.


Anyway you cannot do anything about it.

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Yea, I understand that it might be a pain in the butt, especially the bigger and more complex the installer get's.


Just thought "why have the option to show green names, when it doesn't actually show them with some icons?".


But yea, check it out, if you can implement some if-rule that checks whether green/red icons are selected and then simply skip the contour icons for tanknames.

I'm happy with the way it is right now, so I don't really mind.

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