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Tanks name/ Player names in XVM color

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Posted (edited)

This used to be a ... normal thing back in the day but now I can't find it anywhere. Am I misremembering it? Tank names, on top of tanks, or player names depending on how you have it set up, in actual battle interface, colored by xvm win rate or eff depending on how you want it. I do not remember how this would diferentiate between enemies, but probably those just remained red?


Anyone knows what I'm talking about, I can't seem to find this feature in the modpack and there's vague references if you google search this. Weird, could swear it was.. beyond popular it was meta.


LE: Also, this followed with icons on minimap being colored by xvm.

Edited by ZaBici
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first one will be OTM, over target markers
there are a few option ingame, but most people use xvm for that, literally the first options inside the pack are for that.

to see stats of other player inside the game (side panels in battle/xvm minimap etc) you need to activate xvm on their page before starting the game and not having anonymizer activated.

second one will be shown in picture

Posted (edited)

Went over them a load of times, couldn't see the xvm one. More like, it didn't register for me. As I was looking for the name/tank name to be colored not like a small rectangle indicator by their name. But it works, so cheers. Nothing for the names though right?

This is what I found through google search, old thread but proves my point.


Minimap, cheers, but I can't install just that it seems as it affects all minimap labels I already have, it's why I usually stay away from XVM mods branch, it's very all or nothing like. except garage, that one's fine for carrousel. Useless trivia I know.


Edited by ZaBici

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