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Idea for new storage carousel filter


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Would it be possible to create a vehicle storage filter by rank in ascending order (I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X) or descending (X,IX,VIII,VII,VI,V,IV,III,II,I) depending on the choice not like the current that removes all the tanks of the other row.


Tank you in advance for your reply.



  • Administrator



Maybe try to edit res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\carousel.xc

    // Order of nations.
    //"nations_order": ["ussr", "germany", "usa", "france", "uk", "china", "japan"],
    "nations_order": [],
    // Order of types of vehicles.
    "types_order":   ["lightTank", "mediumTank", "heavyTank", "AT-SPG", "SPG"],
    // Tank sorting criteria, available options: (minus = reverse order)
    // "nation", "type", "level", "maxBattleTier", "premium", "-level", "-maxBattleTier", "-premium"
    "sorting_criteria": ["nation", "type", "level"],

Change tank sorting criteria.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Thanks for your reponse


I have changed the value in the "carousel.xc"


"sorting_criteria": ["level"] (for ascending order)




"sorting_criteria": ["-level"] (for descending order)


and it work fine.


If one person was interest for this solution, i join files"carousel.xc" modify to this post.


Remember to save the original version of the file in case of flashback


Edited by Mawel
Posted (edited)

I would also like to see this.  Every time I update I change the file as below.


    // "nation", "type", "level", "maxBattleTier", "premium", "-level", "-maxBattleTier", "-premium"
    "sorting_criteria": ["level", "type", "nation"],
And I know a couple of people in my clan would like this as they are too lazy to edit each time.
Oh, the title to this thread is not quite right.  This isn't a filter, but instead changes the default garage tank order.  This makes it so most of the time I don't need filters.
Edited by FullTank

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