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Having min dmg needed for next MoE in carousel.xc


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Hi all,

I'm trying to have, in the garage carousel, the damage needed for the next Mark of Excellence in that tank...

like the data we can see in VbAddict MoE page:






to show the total percentage for MoE the code is:

  "x": 120, 
  "y": 60, 
  "format": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='12' color='{{v.c_damageRating}}'>{{v.damageRating%4.2f~%}}</font>",
  "shadow": { 
    "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }



Is there any macro to show the dmg amount for the next mark? In this case, it should say "1250" as the next value is for the 3rd mark...

Edited by balexandre
  • Moderator

Nej, der er ingen macro der kan vise hvor meget skade der skal til næste mærke.

Macroen der viser hvor mange procent du har lige nu, bliver taget fra WoT's egen data.


Ved ikke om det er muligt, men en ide til et mod kunne være at man får skrevet alle tal ind i en fil, lidt som det er med WNExpected filerne,

og derfra indlæser hvad man skal bruge til næste skridt, baseret på hvad man har... hmm.. hvis der er nogen der kan lave det, er de meget velkomne :D



No, there's no macro to show how much damage you need for next mark.

The macro that shows the percentages is taken from WoT's own data.


I don't know if it's possible, but an idea to a mod would be to enter all numbers for MoE's into a file, kinda like WNExpected files,

and then read from that what you'd need for the next mark, based on what you have already... hmm.. if someone could make that, they're very welcome :D

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