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[0.9.20] Techtree Colored Ribbons [Riskynet's Colors]


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Posted (edited)





Graphical modification which displays colored ribbons on techtree/battle results/ingame kills tank icons. Colors of ribbons are inspired by mod Riskynet's Contour icons (updated by colt87).


Download: techtree_colors.rar



Install: unpack the archive to your game folder (e.g.: C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\)


K8s7sUs.png - TD
vbK3u9c.png - MT
1yzuSW0.png - LT
uhnMk1Z.png - HT
smhlDWx.png - SPG


Thread Riskynet's contour icon (driven by colt87): http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/534757-0917-contour-icons-risky-style/


If you like my work, you can donate me via:

btn_donate_SM.gif - PayPal

Bo9CxhN.jpg - WG Gift Shop

RagnapackV2 & WoT Mods forums - https://www.wgmods.eu/forum

Edited by Ragnarocek
  • Upvote 1
  • Aslain pinned this topic
  • Aslain unpinned this topic
  • 8 months later...



I would love to use this modpack of yours, but I am so used to the other colors. Purple = SPG, Red = Heavy, Green = Light, Yellow = Medium, Blue = TD. Is there a way to alter this to fit those? (On my end, without having to do too much?)



  • 2 years later...


když si tenhle mód zapnu v modpacku od Aslaina, tak pak ve hře se mi nezobrazují tlačítka cen a výzkumu tanků.

Dá se s tím něco dělat?

Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Buldy said:


když si tenhle mód zapnu v modpacku od Aslaina, tak pak ve hře se mi nezobrazují tlačítka cen a výzkumu tanků.

Dá se s tím něco dělat?

Absolutne nemozne aby to sposoboval tento mod, nakolko ide len o zmenu ikon a nie funkcionality tech. stromu... bude to ina modifikacia zasahujuca do techtre... odskusane a funguje ako ma...


Edited by Ragnarocek
4 hours ago, Ragnarocek said:

Absolutne nemozne...



ok. díky za odpověď.


Asi bude teda problém v jiném, jak píšeš módu.


Budu muset napsat Aslainovy.


Ještě jednou díky, za rychlou odpověď.

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