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Bigger Rectangle vs Autoaim


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 and a  big thanks for the great Aslain-Mod.


I had installted webium the first time, but then found aslain and use it since then.


I have a big issue with targeting.


And as WG forbid the use of Autoaim the only solution which I think they can not disallow is to use a bigger circle or Rectangle for the right mouse button.


It seems there are not enough mods for this and no mdification on changing colors.


The only Addon I found near my imagination is this one:


Sight “Hyperion” from Billroy for World of Tanks



So is it possible to implement it in aslain WITH the option to ?

- Maximize the inner "+"  AND / OR replace it with a circle (with colors and size changable) to allow the RMB target what is in that circle


The way it is now, You must zoom out, realy find the middle DOT in any sight-targeting on the tank then press RMB.


So how about make that DOT a BIG DOT or a BIG Circle?


Only my 2 cents and request.


Everything else is so fine, i would recommand WG to implement Aslain directly in WoT for all players have the options.


Then the game would be a lot more balance for all players.


Again thanks and regards.


Nice Christmas.


with most cross hairs   now , u can go into the recticle settings and choose wat shape the centre  is , wether its a dot  a circle a x  a square , 


Lol he is not asking to make the circle look big, but to make the enemy easier to right-click on.


On the other hand, "making the circle bigger" would be exactly the same thing that the now illegal mod was doing, probably would be considered illegal.

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