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Reverse tank icons in crew panel

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Hi Aslain,


I am experiencing this strange bug.

I have installed your tank icon without XVM and I set to fix the reverse in battle player panel.

But in the crew panel I see the tank icon still reversed :)


Is there something I can check/config to fix this or simply to remove that icon ?





Thanks so much for your attention.


  • Moderator

There was some issues in the past with the anti-mirror files for the garage, so they have been left out to avoid issues in the future (hangar loading issues, for example)


I don't think it can be removed, but it shouldn't be much of an issue I think, only when you mouseover it, and the next name is always aligned properly.

  • Moderator

Aslain had this to say to it:


delete contour folder in the end of this path
maybe I will add lobby.swf in next modpack if it's not crashing or something



It works like a charm.


It removed the Aslain icons in the crew panel (the standard icons are shown instead but it is not a so big iusse because tere is also the name of the tank in the side) ... but they still works in combat player panels during battles.

But which "addon" installs that icons there and is there something else they are doing ? 



  • Moderator

         Vehicle Contour Icons
            Aslains icons
               Simple with big font


But if you unselect that, you won't see them in battle anymore.


Ah ok, 


I see in the 09 release that there is :

"- moved antimirror files to .wotmod format"


Is it related to this iussue ? I am downloading ... I'll try soon :)




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