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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Unable to reproduce this problem. Try without garage mods, maybe start without Auto Equip [WITH EKSPOINT AD] (non-XVM version), you don't need it because you're installing same mod from XVM section.
  2. Fixed in next modpack - updated contour icons: Aslain, Grandorf, Corehorn, Witblitz, Qualan, XSerzHX [added Alpine Tiger icon]
  3. Jesli instalator cos odznaczyl (co daje wrazenie jakby nie zapamietal) to znaczyl ze zrobil to dla dobra uzytkownika. Oznacza to po prostu ze wybrales juz podobnie dzialajace mody gdzie indziej, wiec odznaczyl inne ktore dzialaja tak samo. Robi to dla dobra dlatego ze efekt zainstalowania dwoch takich samych modow moze miec roznyc efekt np. zawieszanie sie gry, wyswietlanie dwoch takich samych modow na raz na ekranie gry itp.
  4. I guess this question is more for the engines mod author. Have you tried to not install gun sounds and keep the engines sounds mod only? If you still have problem, then definitely contact mod author in his thread: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/644465- (it's worth to show him your python.log too, however I see no bugs there).
  5. Have heard about similar (or the same?) issue, but I don't know why it happens. Can you show generated logs too?
  6. One important log is missing in your logs zip: _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf without it I'm unable to load same mods for tests :/ Aslo tell me more about my OTM, what is missing? What do you expect to see? Have a picture what it was before and is now?
  7. Twój problem wynika z tego że coś na Twoim kompie blokuje instalacje, masz w logach pełno błędów wynikających z tego że skrypty i subprogramy instalacji nie mogły wykonać swojej roboty. Także to nie mody w tym przypadku a efekt działania komputera. Pewnie jakiś antywir lub brak odpowiednich uprawnien podczas instalacji.
  8. Merry Christmas ! Unfortunately we have +8-10'C here in Poland, at least in my region, so no snow, just sad dark-brown colors.
  9. Aby stworzyc moda nalezy miec obszerna wiedze informatyczna, w zaleznosci od rodzaju moda trzeba miec umiejetnosci programowania (python, flash, actionscript, xml, html etc.), artystyczne (grafik), i miec w jednym palcu stronę techniczną danej gry.
  10. Zobaczcie na nowa paczke, byla wczoraj w nocy.
  11. Przypominam że abym mógł sprawdzić problem potrzebuję logów. Info w podpisie mojego postu.
  12. I was looking at the OP case, even played couple of battles to compare sounds, but I don't know which tanks got diesel engines so I took that IS-7 mentioned the op report and I kinda heard its engines. Could you show me your logs from latest modpack #05?
  13. I will look at it, tomorrow maybe, since today is Christmas Eve... You didn't attach logs so hard to check your case.
  14. v9.21.0.2 #05 (24-12-2017): - updated crosshair: Kellerman Blue - updated Wide border of maps - fixed a case of sound errors in XVM [possible crash fix] Merry Christmas Everyone !
  15. Post new logs from current modpack. Also it's worth to try, clean up WoT caches.
  16. I will. If someone makes new version for current game client.
  17. Logs are very clean looking. Please try without PMOD, my friend was testing it for a whole day and he got this suspicion.
  18. v9.21.0.2 #04 (23-12-2017): - updated Crew Voice Selector - updated contour icons: j1mbo - updated ekspointCore library - updated InBattle WN8 Calculator - updated sounds: The Second World War. Day after day
  19. Maybe worth to report it on XVM forums. https://koreanrandom.com/forum/forum/57-xvm-english-support-and-discussions/ Hope they will not cry about nightly, but it shouldn't matter with this bug, however it's also worth to check on "latest stable". Can you try to do one thing, don't install any XVM sounds. edit: sounds.xc set it like this: "sounds": { "enabled": false, There is also similar option in the modpack.
  20. I don't know, errors in python are sometimes inconclusive, to know what is going on you would have to ask every mod author you installed. Try to reduce mods amount, and you will have a better clue which mod may cause this. I would start with removing everything and keep XVM only. Your mod setup is pretty minimal, and the only sound mod you have (beside XVM) is UT Announcer (EN female), try without it.
  21. Masz jakis dziwny blad zwiazany z moim modem do sprawdzania aktualizacji modpacka, zainstaluj paczke bez niego i daj znac. Byc moze jakis program blokuje polaczenie tego moda z internetem i wtedy gra moze nie wystartowac. Ewentualnie usun tez menadzera konta. Przy okazji instalujesz bez usuwania poprzednich modow, to nie jest zalecane, moze powodowac bledy i problemy.
  22. I will try to update this mod tomorrow. Merry Christmas.
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