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  1. Today
  2. I have included the mods that are available for this game, if you find something that is not in my modpack and suits you I can add it, but I don't thinkt here is many more. I don't create new mods, only include what is already there.
  3. It's not checked by default, because I prefer to have more compact view for the initial run. It's not a big problem to click on the show mod preview even if you are on the mod list window.
  4. I am also a modder who makes Azur lane previews. Generally speaking, it only happens that all the vertical drawings are displayed and all are not displayed. But it seems like two ships are shown in your picture, and the others are not. You can go to the mod's documentation (usually look for the mod folder in the remod under the worldofwarship folder to see if there are any missing pictures). It could also be a mismatch between preview and ship code, but this needs to be fixed by the modder. If the above problem cannot be solved, you can also try downloading my mod (Azur Lane Preview (Waifu)) from aslain, or wait for subsequent updates from the mod author.
  5. Yesterday
  6. I sometimes forget to check this box. Is there a way to remember this option along with the other settings? Yes, this is trivial. I personally think this should be checked at all times and not a selection, but some people don't think like I do. I'm not sure why that is either. Thanks.
  7. So, when I installed this mod, it did not have any skins for the ships. I mean, it does work, but the skins do not appear on the ships. Let me know if you can help. Thank you.
  8. I've been trying out the gunsights, but several of them are VERY large. Is there a way to make them appear smaller?
  9. Small update Tier 10 AL Shimakaze and Tier 9 AL Agir I originally planned to update France's new ships first (I really like this new ship), but there are no picture resources yet. So let’s update two super popular skins first, cute rabbit shimakaze and Cheongsam Agir 23rd-25th I will go highland of Scotland, so there is no update. When i come back, I will do the France ship.
  10. Okay, I tried the subtitles mod, but it requires taking my eyes off the action to read a dumb comment. Is there ANY mod that changes the squeaky sounds of the female tankers into intelligible English? Thanks in advance, Dep
  11. Czy zaszły jakieś zmiany z wskaźnikiem penetracji? Właśnie zainstalowałem paczkę z modami i mimo zaznaczenia opcji ze skrina powyżej nie wyświetla mi się on
  12. v.13.4.0 #04 (22-05-2024): - Dodano nowy mod: Wyświetlacz podwodnych trafień (od TTaro) [mod #101] - Akt. Panele Drużyn od TTaro [Opcja rozmycia jest teraz domyślnie wyłączona, aby uniknąć spadku FPS] - Akt. Ikonki klanów - Akt. Minimapka od BattleFrame [przedłużono czas działania] - Przerobiono ikonki konturów okrętów od Aslaina [i dodano 5 opcji, styl może być nieco inny ale bardzo podobny jak wcześniej, usunąłem też te ikonki z karuzeli, ponieważ nigdy nie było moim zamiarem wyświetlanie ich tam] (dzięki TTaro za dane okrętów i CHAMPi za skrypt generatora ikonek)
  13. v.13.4.0 #04 (22-05-2024): - Added new mod: Underwater Hit Viewer (by TTaro) [mod #101] - Updated Minimap by BattleFrame [prolonged the functionality] - Updated Clan icons - Updated Team Panels by TTaro [The blur option is disabled by default in order to avoid performance hit.] - Reworked the ship contour icons by Aslain, introducing 5 new options. While the style may differ slightly, it closely resembles the previous versions. (Additionally, these icons have been removed from the ship carousel, as it was never my intention for them to be displayed there. Special thanks to TTaro for providing the ship data and to CHAMPi for creating the contour icon maker.)
  14. Обновление модпака для клиента Lesta больше невозможно из-за различий между клиентами Lesta и WG.
  15. Read my post signature with info, attach logs and replay. The mod you marked is just .png files, cannot break anything.
  16. Selecting this mod causes you to have no ammunition in the game and sometimes leads to a crash. It only affects the mod marked in red.
  17. Here is the new spanish translation WoT_es_translation_1.24.1.2_08.ini
  18. Вопрос, а что моды для Лесты уже не делает Aslain? И будет ли делать в будущем.Спасибо!
  19. For right now i have not gotten to that, i have been pretty busy with work and other projects. It requires a significant recode to do a check for fonts on imported projects. One i have not had time to get to yet. It is on my next updates to do list tho
  20. Aslain you can add this mod to your package. It is the Contour icon of tanks. It has not been updated since version 1.24. Here you can see it https://wotsite.net/ikonki/7516-arkhiv-ikonok-j1mb0-dzhimbo-dlya-world-of-tanks.html
  21. Last week
  22. It was a JOKE! I know that testing is voluntary as I chose, in my previous incident, to NOT continue the testing as it was so involved and time consuming. I have lived similar issues; a single client reports an issue with software used by thousands and will not do anything to recreate the issue and capture needed doc/dumps/logs. It's been a long month.
  23. I know it may sound stupid to you, but for me a screenshot of the battle and garage and the replay is also some nformation. If I didn't need it, I wouldn't ask for it but nevermind this. There are no errors in the logs, I played several battles with the same mods you installed and everything works fine, so the problem is local.
  24. The Spotted Status for example, it does not work no matter what. What proof? a screenshot av a game without said mod? Forget about it, i find another mod.
  25. Hi, as of a month ago none of OldSkools mods works for me. See attached logs. Help appriecated.
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