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  1. Yesterday
  2. Sorry, I forgot to include my logs. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  3. Player panel is showing the default wot tank icons in stead of the mods, I tried two different mods.
  4. 6 Colors by Team XVM (Better Blues)
  5. Which option have you selected?
  6. I have a question to this mod: some years ago a "green" player started at ~1600 WN8 and today I have seen a player with 1680 and still yellow. Do you change these values over time or why do we have that behaviour? Thank you.
  7. Thanks the asnwers both (Quaksen & Aslain). I try to find a solution with WG Support, because the ping problem here too without mod too. With mod i have upper 140-150fps with maximuzm grap so i not thinking performance problem early, just i want to know any problem about the mod too maybe cause the problem, but you told me its not, so i try to begin find the problem with WG because we checked my connection is ultra good until it earn the WG servers what at the moment for me is a Germany server...and at the moment when my ping-connection arrived for his side my 20msec ping connection jump 120-130. I not know WG what can do with that but will we see. Thanks your help, if i can i close this report.
  8. W logach widzę że jest komunikat czyszczenia listy, wiec skrót klawiszowy działa.: 2024-05-04 10:46:20.876: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:16.753: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:17.615: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:17.781: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:17.933: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:18.101: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:18.251: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:18.419: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:18.588: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:18.723: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:18.876: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:19.044: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:19.195: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:19.364: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:19.531: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:19.698: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:19.865: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:20.016: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:20.182: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. 2024-05-04 19:14:20.335: INFO: [Blacklist Cleaner]: Clearing the blacklist. Pokaz mi screenshot z gry czy masz kogos na ekranie listy blokowanych. Na kanale systemowym powinny byc jakies komuniaty ze wyczyszczono taka a taką osobę z listy, po wcisnieciu kombinacji klawiszy idz tam i pokaz mi co tam widzisz. Mniej wiecej tam gdzie pokazuja sie wyniki z bitew itp.
  9. You cannot alter the mod volume without creating a new sound banks, so the only option is the volume sliders in the game options.
  10. The Minions sound like they are all the way in the back of the tank, I have to lower all my other volume sliders to 30% to normalize the volume, could the sound packs volume be increased?
  11. Last week
  12. Nie działa u mnie usuwanie ignorów, kombinacja alt + F12 nic nie wnosi. Otwierając liste znajomych, otwiera mi sie okienko i zamiast lista znajomych kręcące sie kółko z napisem "ładowanie". załącznik "laczenie". Minimum 1 dziennie gra dostaje freeza na 20 sec. Zauwazyłem te problemy po tym jak kiedys zapełniłem dodatkową liste ignorów i przestałem instalować tego moda. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  13. @echo off set PathFolder=E:\Games2\World_of_Warships\bin\ set PathResMods=\res_mods if exist %PathFolder% ( echo Folder is correct, proceeding... ) else ( echo Folder is not correct, aborting. Check folder for bin path in batch file! pause exit ) for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir %PathFolder% /AD /B /O-N 2^>nul') do set "FolderName=%%I" & goto CopyMod :CopyMod set PathComplete=%PathFolder%%FolderName%%PathResMods% xcopy /s /e ".\res_mods\*.*" "%PathComplete%" echo Mod installed! Pause If anyone should care, this batch file, in combination with the relative batch file and folder setup shown in the attachment should do the job, at least it does right now for me. The res_mods folder where the batch file is located is then replicated into the one in the installation folder with the highest version number, so its contents must be placed appropriately. Of course, one needs to adjust the WoWs' bin folder location manually, I just left my installation path in there as a start. I used to read folder paths from registry keys for installed programs about 20 years ago (for a batch file port graphic asset swapper for NavyField), but from what I can see now the registry may not be that simple to access from batch files in current Windows versions so I went the manual route, just to be sure. This can be used by anyone who has his own mods that are not part of a modpack with a proper installer to keep stuff updated. Yes, simple copy/paste also does the job, but... well, I just wanted to follow the thought through 😉
  14. v1.24.1.2 #04 (04-05-2024): - Akt. ikonki konturów: Man1aq - Akt. Zmiana języka klienta gry [dla wczorajszego nanopatcha] - Akt. Discord Rich Presence Support [ważna poprawka]
  15. v1.24.1.2 #04 (04-05-2024): - Updated contour icons: Man1aq - Updated Change client language [for yesterday's nanopatch] - Updated Discord Rich Presence Support [important fix]
  16. im confused, where is the kill cam drop down menu?
  17. Go to the game options and select the last option in the kill cam drop-down menu. It will show just your vehicle when you are killed.
  18. is there a mod to turn off the new kill cam?
  19. Hello, I'm lookin' to see if there might be any additional skin mods themed around Arpeggio of Blue Steel? I love the ones for Tirpitz and Scharnhorst. I know there was a mod that existed years ago that pretty much covered every ship in the game at the time, but from my understanding it no longer works. I also know there's one by Haruna Line (I think?) but I don't know if they've been keeping it updated. I got it to work a few months back but ever since an update that took place a couple months ago, I can't seem to get the skins to work unfortunately.
  20. Alright, I think I figured it out. Using a GUI unpacker I extracted the sound banks, where I could indeed find the XML for the Hololive commanders and their sound files. I recreated the folder structure in res_mods (.\res_mods\banks\OfficialMods\Hololive), used a dummy silent WEM file (found through listening in via a Foobar2k plugin instead of dealing with transcoding), copied/renamed that to the files called upon the events I suspected (see OP) and that was pretty much it. Through this kitbashing I avoided creating a new commander sound mod, so it keeps it simple. Now I only need to manually copy that every new version I create an automation (probably through a batch file using something like this, but that is something for another day). Just wanted to list my findings in case anyone with similar goal should ever stumble upon this here. It really was as simple as I thought, actually even simpler.
  21. It was removed when the update came, yeah.
  22. What happened to this mod? Did it get nuked due to the new WoT update? I much prefer this mod than the cinematic crap in the game. This is one of my favorite mods. If it still exists can we get it back? Thanks!
  23. This is happening in Aslain's WoT ModPack v1.24.1.2 #03
  24. Można się bawić filtrami, i odfiltrować te czołgi.
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