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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Dziwna sprawa, jak gralem to nie spotkalem sie z takimi problemami. Jakby Ci WoT zwariowal ;)
  2. I know it's not like 1.2GB :) I'm worried about my sucky upload but oh well, I like that performance when installing with solid off.
  3. Just remember these carousels from roughnecks are for scale 1.0, anything else will missplace elements of them. I wanted to use them in modpack but they are pain to implement.
  4. yeah I can do that, but only for my FullHD resolution, so I can guess another day people will cry why they have Shell Travel Info overlappin on their crosshair/infopanel/damagepanel etc... Cannot please them all. Too many mods with too many positions on screen. impossible to do. It's easy to mod position for yourself by editing it's config file for your liking. Then use Aslains_custom_mods folder..
  5. Works for me, tested. Post your logs, info in my sig.
  6. Aslains_XVM_Mod_Installer_v.4.2.43_96_SOLID_ON.exe https://mega.co.nz/#!oo0SABZB!jhirUOretkyV8N_69h93kWRalkwpCwCCtrmInJk1hqc (52MB) Aslains_XVM_Mod_Installer_v.4.2.43_96_SOLID_OFF.exe https://mega.co.nz/#!lh0lGZ5B!t-SCF0R7SBi3QUGM7SeGHhCnti5B2eEb3K2Q7IiamHo (70MB)
  7. I will re-add more options to j1mbo crosshair, one will be default looking with dashed circle
  8. True that. Nobody reported it before. Discovered small bug, will fix in next installer.
  9. There is a preview button on bottom of installer window. Use it, and it will show you picture preview on many installer options. You just have to right click on them.
  10. Mozesz pobrac najnowszy instalator i zalaczyc logi z niego? Na te chwile to v4.2.43. Moze cos sie poprawi, na tych logach nie udalo mi sie odtworzyc problemu, jakies dziwne sa, w jednym pisze ze instalowales celownik J1mbo, a w pliku .inf nie ma po nim sladu...
  11. Tomorrow I will send you two installers to compare.
  12. There is mod like Arty Shell Travel Time already, but it shows all the info even in non-SPG vehicles which is annoying for many. Maybe select different SGP cross, not J1mbo's as a workaround to this? I don't know why J1mbo removed shell travel time, you would have to ask him.
  13. Tak, pisalem do admina servera u ktorego mam pliki DLC i powiedzial ze server z plikami jest tak mocno obciazony ze sam wchodzi w tryb oszczedzania wysylania, i ogranicza go do 250kb/s. Chcialbym aby bylo jak dawniej ale zeby to wszystko chodzilo sprawnie musze wywalic strasznie duzo pieniedzy miesiecznie na oplacanie duzo lepszego serwera, badz nawet paru... nawet ludzie z modpacka OMC maja dwa servery, mimo ze uzytkownikow maja jakies 3 x mniej niz ja. Ja bym potrzebowal serwera NASA albo WG zeby wysylal sprawnie te pliki kazdemu i zawsze :/ To kosztuje majatek. Jesli chodzi o pobieranie to nie polecam zaznaczac czyszczenia plikow DLC, dzieki temu instalator przy aktualizacji paczki pobierze tylko to co nowe/zmienione, wtedy nie powinno sie tracic tyle czasu dziennie.
  14. v4.2.43 (01-04-2015): - updated Spotted extended v2.03 by Spoter (set to work only in Light Tanks) - added few missing preview pictures - fixed option: Display Clan Icons without spotting icons
  15. Nie ma bledu w konfigu, jest jakis problem z serverem XVM, ktory nie podaje tych informacji. Zapytalem sie jedengo deva ale poki co nie odpisal.
  16. Ja poki co zapytalem sie prywatnie, ale polecam tez na forum: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/forum/57-xvm-english-support-and-discussions/
  17. Yeah no problem I guess, I will get back to you.
  18. Sounds like windows sound, not sure it's good idea for game sound, people might be missleaded that something strange happening on desktop while they play the game :)
  19. Best compression = much slower decompression but if I change compression method to not be solid, it will unpack preview pics in the beginning definitely faster in price of slightly bigger size. "Also, like i've said in past, maybe losslessly compress all png's." I did it in past after you suggested it, but it only increased compilation time, where the size was the same, and unpacking speed wasn't noticable changed. It also takes 4 x more time to compile the installer, but that's minor problem :)
  20. You have your fonts corrupted, this is because of font called xvmsymbol getting bugged in windows, and cannot be reinstalled automaticaly. Check this topic: http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/1761-minimap-last-spotted-markers-show-as-rectangles-and-not-tank-type-marker/
  21. Mediafire, mega, google drive etc. Or pack it up to zip and attach to post.
  22. Yeah should be doable, but which beep sound do you prefer? Have samples?
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