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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. It's AslainsColoredTechTreeIcons_96.7z remove it from DLC and redownload, then you should be fine.
  2. Thanks, indeed missing 704 icon, but only in modern roman :) Clean up DLC folder and dl it again, and it should be fine.
  3. Send me a replay with 704 in battle.
  4. No nic, zainstalowalem Deegie niebieski i mam normalnie na srodku ^^ Zagralem jedna bitwe na nim.
  5. Z logow to najlepiej zamieszczac te spakowane w zip, tutaj to tylko jeden pliczek, i akurat najmniej mi potrzebny :) aczkolwiek sprawdzam co moge.
  6. Could not reproduce, please attach logs, info in my sig.
  7. v4.2.3 (12-02-2015): - updated XVM to nightly 3786 - updated Aslain's contour icons - updated Best Icons Ever by Grandorf - updated mightyjosHi's Contour Icons - added YasenKrasen session stats - added Colored messages EN by YasenKrasen - fixed Advanced Aiming System - fixed tank carousel when only Master Mark option is selected
  8. Normalna sprawa, za duzo ludzi pobiera w tych dniach po patchu, dobrze ze w ogole idzie :)
  9. Maybe common sense? If it says it's for 9.6 at many many places including changes log. No need to redownload client, just launch older installer, 4.1.42 or get correct paths.xml for 95
  10. v4.2.2 (11-02-2015): - updated Quests Extended v1.07 (fix) - tuned-up script for installing sound mods - added YasenKrasen session stats - added Colored messages PL by YasenKrasen - fixes to component list - fixes to DLC v4.2.1 (11-02-2015): - updated Quests Extended v1.07 - updated Vehicle Exp Extended v1.08 - updated Crew Exp Extended v2.11 - updated Autoaim extended v2.04 - updated Battle Assistant v1.2.5 - updated AutoTelescope - updated BalCalcMod
  11. v4.2.0 (11-02-2015): - updated XVM to - adaptation to Wot 0.9.6 - certain mods and sections were removed temporary (waiting for update) - expect some issues, this is first version for 9.6 - also expect one or two more modpack version today, if they update some mods
  12. Ciezka sprawa bo powodem moze byc wszystko, a WG ma zabugowanego klienta ktory sam z siebie wywala w 9.5. Moze byc tez cos w komputerze, nie wiem jak sie laczysz z netem, ale moze byc karta sieciowa, lub zle drivery, wirusy... no ciezko cos doradzic, nie jest to moj komputer, nie mam pojecia co tam masz i co z tym sie dzialo. Potrzebny informatyk, albo duzo szczescia. Zrob tez to http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/301897-client-integrity-check/ ale nie wiem czy komendy nie zmienili w miedzyczasie.
  13. Jesli bez modow tez to sie dzieje.... to pisz do supportu WG, moze cos wymysla?
  14. Dzieki za propozycje. Widac ze przylozyles sie do ich wypisywania, wiec i ja postaram sie cos wymyslic i dam znac co z tego wyjszlo. Jedno ale: ModSettingsAPI.... nie wiem czy znasz historie mojego modpacka i modow robionych przez dwoch debili, ktorzy okazali sie tworcami ModSettingsAPI oraz MultilinedTankCarousel, ubzdurali sobie ze lamie ich licencje (ktory w ogole mod wot ma jakies licencje??!!!) i wprowadzili do swoich modow celowy kod, majacy uszkodzic gre jesli uzywacie mojego konfigu XVM... Tak wiec ludzie zaczeli miec problemy, bo karuzela czolgow byla uszkodzona, i dzialy sie rozne dziwne cuda... Ja sam nie moge uzywac ich modow, bo wkodowali moj ID gracza do nich, i jak je uzywam, to mam uszkodzona gre (nie do grania). Dlatego modow tych dwoch uposledzonych umyslowo osob, dodawac juz nie bede.
  15. v4.1.42 (10-02-2015): - added crew icons: Girls Und Panzer Crew Swimsuit Edition - added Megamind crew voices, 6th sense icon and 6th sense sound - added WoT Region Changer - added run option for KT Ambiente - added Extended Filters Pack
  16. In latest XVM build they changed how the clan icons work, now they will be automaticaly downloaded from the XVM server, no more external packages for top clan icons, the full clan icon packs might be still needed.
  17. Oh, sorry, you wanted wn8 win rate? There is no such macro. You can use only these: Macros available in hangar Legend: TC - tank carousel SQ - squad window 'X' - available ' ' - not available (can return wrong value - '', 'NaN', 'undefined', ...) '.' - TODO '-' - Obsoleted (will be replaced with other macro) ┌────────────────────────────┬───┬───┬───────────────────────────────── │ macro │ TC│ SQ│ Description ├────────────────────────────┼───┼───┼───────────────────────────────── │ {{v.vehId}} │ X │ . │ vehicle id │ {{v.battles}} │ X │ . │ total battles count for current vehicle │ {{v.c_battles}} │ X │ . │ color for battles count │ {{v.kb}} │ X │ . │ number of kilo-battles for current vehicle │ {{v.hb}} │ X │ . │ number of hecto-battles for current vehicle (hecto = 100) │ {{v.wins}} │ X │ . │ total wins count for current vehicle │ {{v.mastery}} │ X │ . │ mastery sign for current vehicle │ {{v.xp}} │ X │ . │ average XP gained on current vehicle │ {{v.fullname}} │ X │ . │ localized full vehicle name │ {{v.name}} │ X │ . │ localized compact vehicle name │ {{v.sysname}} │ X │ . │ vehicle system name (usa-M24_Chaffee) │ {{v.shortname}} │ X │ . │ localized short vehicle name │ {{v.type}} │ X │ . │ vehicle type (text substitution from config) │ {{v.c_type}} │ X │ . │ color for vehicle type │ {{v.level}} │ X │ . │ vehicle level (Arabic numerals) │ {{v.rlevel}} │ X │ . │ vehicle level (Roman numerals) │ {{v.battletiermin}} │ X │ . │ minimal vehicle battle tier │ {{v.battletiermax}} │ X │ . │ maximal vehicle battle tier │ {{v.nation}} │ X │ . │ vehicle nation │ {{v.premium}} │ X │ . │ 'premium' for premium, empty for normal vehicle │ {{v.elite}} │ X │ . │ 'elite' for elite, empty for normal vehicle │ {{v.maxHP}} │ X │ . │ maximum vehicle health points │ {{v.hitsRatio}} │ X │ . │ percent of hits │ {{v.c_hitsRatio}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.winrate}} │ X │ . │ vehicle win rate (percent of wins on this vehicle) │ {{v.c_winrate}} │ X │ . │ color for win rate │ {{v.tdb}} │ X │ . │ average damage - damage / battles │ {{v.c_tdb}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.tdv}} │ X │ . │ average damage efficiency - damage / (battles * maxHP) │ {{v.c_tdv}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.tfb}} │ X │ . │ average frags per battle │ {{v.c_tfb}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.tsb}} │ X │ . │ average number of spotted enemies per battle │ {{v.c_tsb}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.wn8expd}} │ X │ . │ WN8 expected tank damage │ {{v.wn8effd}} │ X │ . │ WN8 effective tank damage (avgdmg / expected_dmg) │ {{v.c_wn8effd}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.earnedXP}} │ X │ . │ earned XP │ {{v.marksOnGun}} │ X │ . │ marks on gun │ {{v.damageRating}} │ X │ . │ damage rating in percents for marks on gun │ {{v.c_damageRating}} │ X │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.teff}}, {{v.e}} │ . │ . │ player's per-vehicle efficiency │ {{v.c_e}} │ . │ . │ dynamic color for this macro │ {{v.equipment1}} │ . │ . │ small icon of equipment in 1st slot │ {{v.equipment2}} │ . │ . │ small icon of equipment in 2nd slot │ {{v.equipment3}} │ . │ . │ small icon of equipment in 3rd slot │ {{v.consumable1}} │ . │ . │ small icon of consumable in 1st slot │ {{v.consumable2}} │ . │ . │ small icon of consumable in 2nd slot │ {{v.consumable3}} │ . │ . │ small icon of consumable in 3rd slot │ {{v.xpForTop}} │ . │ . │ XP points required for top tank │ {{v.xpForExpert}} │ . │ . │ XP points required for expert tank │ {{v.shootRange}} │ . │ . │ actual shoot range │ {{v.viewRange}} │ . │ . │ actual view range │ {{v.dpm}} │ . │ . │ actual damage per minute │ {{v.gunAvgDamage}} │ . │ . │ average damage for current gun AP/CR/HE │ {{v.gunAvgHit}} │ . │ . │ average penetration for current gun AP/CR/HE │ {{v.gunDispersion}} │ . │ . │ base dispersion at 100 m for current gun │ {{v.gunAimingTime}} │ . │ . │ base aiming time for current gun │ {{v.selected}} │ X │ . │ 'sel' for selected, empty for others │ {{l10n:ID}} │ . │ . │ localizated text, see en.xc for id └────────────────────────────┴───┴───┴─────────────────────────────────
  18. Macro: {{v.wn8expd%-4d|--}} My line: { "x": 1, "y": 61, "format": "<font face='XVMSymbol' size='13' color='#CCCCCC'>#</font> <b><font face='$FieldFont' size='12'><font color='#60FF00'>{{v.wn8expd%-4d|--}}</font></b>", "shadow": {"blur":8, "strength": 3} }
  19. Musisz odznaczyc ze je chcesz widziec, na stronie xvm, tam gdzie aktywowales je wczesniej.
  20. Well after testing both squad icon options, must say they are working fine, and since you didnt provide logs, this is all I can say. GL :)
  21. You forgot attach logs, you always have to attach logs, otherwise I will have to send extra post and ask you for it, and things will be slowed down... :) I might stop answering to any post if logs are not attached hence report is invalid, because I am losing the time reading the things only to discover no logs and must stop.... There was such issue some time ago and I fixed it. It was exactly how you described it. The cause was XVM, they changed something internaly and suddenly the background stopped to work, maybe they did it again, and I have to fix it....
  22. Great, I have no idea why these fails sometimes, I had no single issue with them on my computer.
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