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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Anytime mate, hope it will help a lot more users now :)
  2. v4.0.31 (15-12-2014): - improved the extraction method, so now you can use any file name you wish in the Aslains_Custom_mods folder (thanks to _Kirby and BegiN) - added new Gambiter's branch option: Hide angles indicator - added possibility to select two different keys for BalCalc mod - updated Spotted vehicle direction on aim circle+ - fixed Blue vs Red, and Blue vs Orange colors on the alternative minimap (alt)
  3. Updated language files en,pl to latest version 95CT
  4. Your question is very general, and there is no general answer, as there are various mods, that you can mod differently. Basicaly you go to res_mods/0.9.4 (or whatever your version is) and search for config files, .xc, .json, sometimes .txt, or .ini... and edit them with notepad++. Better ask more precise question, about certain mod or thing you would like to achieve, and learn it that way. Also download the XVM, unzip, go to doc folder, and read all english files.
  5. v4.0.30.1 (14-12-2014) for The 9.5 CT: - added Players Panel medium option: Narrow field, with client language flags - added Players Panel medium option: Narrow field, with client language letters - updated spotting icons config code in few files
  6. Just added it to the 9.5 Ct version, will release today. This is the first version, i know there would be better place, but it's position must stay that way for now, as it's easiest to implement to me atm.
  7. Currently it only works with mod1 - mod10, I can add more, like up to 20 if it's necessary, but cannot make it to use any name you put into the zip. I guess it's an easy task for a delphi programmer.
  8. Instalator juz tak ma z wersja CT, bo to po prostu wersja zwykla naniesiona na sciezki CT, kod pozostal dla zwyklej - nie zmieniam go celowo - Zignoruj ostrzezenia, i zainstaluj w katalogu CT i tyle :) Dzieki za info o emailu, poprawilem.
  9. The problem with Girls un Panzer mods is there is many sub mods inside, it's not just one mod, but many different things, like different sounds from various schools etc.
  10. I watched your replay, on my PC, your tank looked inactive sometimes. Still could not reproduce this issue.
  11. The 9.5 CT v4.0.30 (12-12-2014): - updated XVM to nightly 3476 - updated AutoAim indicator (yet another CW fix attempt from the author)
  12. So it's not your rig, do you get this low fps in ever battle or occasionaly only?
  13. I have played few games in this mods setup you have, and no issue. Sounds like a local issue, maybe your pc is not good enough, try to not install sound mods and see again.
  14. Juz nic, zobaczylem w logach. U mnie na tej konfiguracji modow co grasz wszystko dziala ok.
  15. v4.0.30 (11-12-2014): - updated AutoAim+ (yet another CW fix attempt) - removed middle mouse button from Battle Assistant config - replaced Premium Hangar option with the HangMan mod
  16. 1.6GB that's pretty heavy :) Too heavy for the modpack. I may add HangMan but not in this huge form. Something compact with few popular hangars would be good tho.
  17. I'm not sure, I found it fugly ;) but shall see.
  18. Depends where on screen you would like to see such info. You mean the OTM, minimap, playerspanel.... somewhere else? The HP left you can see at the hitlog spot, if you press ALT, you can also use different hp bars on playerspanel if you select them durring installation.
  19. Probowales resetowac ustawienia WoT? (wyczyscic cache przez opcje instalatora).
  20. Updated the 9.5 CT xvm only version to v4.0.29.2: - updated XVM to nightly 3470 - xvm config updated (for spotting icons) Added the 9.5 CT Modpack installer v4.0.29.1: - updated XVM to nightly 3470 - updated AutoAim+ (CW fix attempt) - rewritten all configs to support recent changes in spotting icons
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