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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Even if this is truth I cannot do anything about it, it's not my mod, it's made by WG. Maybe report it to them.
  2. I don't know about your previous post, nobody deleted it. To change your name click on your name on the top left corner of site, and select Account Settings. Once you're there click on Display Name. There is no mod that can dismount a camo from any ship, maybe you've installed some mod that removes all camo from the game? However judging from your desription it has happened just like that so I don't know maybe ask WG support.
  3. It's not an issue, since modpack is holding that files on local folder, so once you download them they will stay there forever. Unless you are uninstalling the modpack or cleaning up it's cache folder.
  4. v1.4.0.1 #17 (09-03-2019): - updated Ping Spam Blocker by Champi - added Modpack button in the hangar (fixed) - removed gun sounds Zorgane (need more time to check this mod)
  5. It's already described in the installer when you launch it. UNINSTALLING: Use windows uninstaller feature. Google: how to uninstall a program in windows It's not frequently asked question btw ;)
  6. You can try to request it to the XVM devs on their forums.
  7. Hmm, could you try to install them but without last 3 options: GER, JAP, RUS? Or try to remove them 1 by 1.
  8. This mod has been totaly rewritten recently, maybe it didn't do that in the past, might it might do that now. Move it away a bit and you are good I guess :)
  9. To cos lokalnego, w logach jakies bledy z polaczeniem do internetu, voipem itp. Gralem kilka bitew na tych samych modach bez lagow wszelakich czy pingow wysokich.
  10. Ja tak zrobilem i zadzialalo, zaladowalem te same mody co masz w logach, odznaczylem myszka ten mod, i dokonczylem instalacje i w bitwie nie mialem sfery.
  11. Musi się dać, odznacz ją i przeinstaluj paczkę.
  12. v.8.1.1 #02 (08-03-2019): - updated crosshair Nomogram (dynamic) - updated side paneles Hakabase - updated clan icons
  13. Great, I will include it in next modpack then.
  14. Yeah I can see that in your logs. Latest XVM yet bugs in python are similar to those from the older XVM. I would report it to the XVM devs, maybe they didn't fix it entirely for all users. ps. I couldnt reproduce it from your mod setup. I could preview selected tanks.
  15. Yeah, I removed it because of that. However I couldn't reproduce it on my computer, been playing with Zorgane sounds for whole evening without any problems. I believe it's not just Zorgane but the problem is that Zorgane did something to game xmls making the other mods to crash. (yet I still couldn't reproduce it, it must be also connected to play with certain vehicle that I don't own or met in battle) Suspected mods that may crash when installed together with Zorgane are: Crew Perks in battle, Battle Hits.
  16. @Warder117 What Quaksen said. You simply clicked on a wrong thing and didn't download my installer but something from the 3rd party. This is a proper procedure:
  17. Try this fix: aim_tracking_service.swf Install Nomogram and replace this .swf in res_mods.
  18. Thanks. Try this fix: aim_tracking_service.swf
  19. Tak mi juz dzisiaj zglaszano. Czekalem jeszcze na wiecej raportow. Mialem dodac te informacje do dziennika zmian ale wlasnie.
  20. Ok, przeniose temat do dzialu z bledami, i jakby co to napisz nowy post w nim.
  21. v1.4.0.1 #16 (07-03-2019): - updated to XVM 7.8.3 - removed Modpack button in the hangar (unstable)
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