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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. http://aslain.harmless.hu/Aslains_WoT_Modpack_Installer_v. nalezy wybrac przesuwanie logow gambitera w prawo, aby pojawilo sie to okienko na ktorym mi zalezy.
  2. Could you help me to test it: http://aslain.harmless.hu/Aslains_WoT_Modpack_Installer_v. Select this option in the modpack to move logs to the right: Perform installation, a window will pop up, screenshot it, and post it here. It will be cmd window with some message and paused in the end.
  3. Jesli chcesz pomoc, to zalacze tutaj modpack testowy #13c w ktorym odblokowalem pokazywanie okienka, bardzo mi zalezy abys jak sie pojawi czarne okienko w windowsie, podczas instalacji zrobil mu screenshota i wyslal mi. Niedlugo zalacze tu paczkę.
  4. Still no logs, but maybe try new modpack #13b.
  5. Well, try #13b, then attach logs if problem persists.
  6. Always post mods too, when you report something. Try new modpack #13b, just released.
  7. OK dzieki, widze pewne błędy. Na początek powiedz mi co rozumiesz przez Misje osobiste, jaka jest nazwa tego moda na liscie modow? Bo nie widze nic takieg abys mial wybrane w paczce. Po drugie pobierz nowy modpack #13b i daj mi znac czy jest jakas poprawa.
  8. I don't see your logs attached.
  9. Attach logs. Are you using latest modpack? Moving this thread to WoWs section, since you posted it in World of Tanks.
  10. My telephaths are on vacations. If you don't post logs and tell precisely what is missing I cannot fix it.
  11. Not every case is the same, game may crash for various reasons, even due to WG bugs, or your faulty hardware or drivers. In your logs I cannot find xvm log and python log, so hard to tell anything more.
  12. The update #12 is not affecting any mods that you're using. Maybe don't install that both mods at once, they're sometimes in conflict. Autoaim Extended AutoAim Indication+ (legit version)
  13. It's probably Auxilium. Get new modpack, because to me it looksl ike you are using old one #12, instead of #12b
  14. Maybe show links or paste the text, not sure what you talking about.
  15. Thanks JSONxLoaderException: Illegal character "\ufeff" at 35:6 in "res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\playersPanel.xc" Could you attach this file as well?
  16. xvm.log is empty, launch the game at least once, and attach it. watching a replay should do it too
  17. Niektóre z celowniki można tak zmieniać, nie tylko tego, ale też nie wszystkie, trzeba pobawic się.
  18. A próbowałeś zmieniać opcje celownika w ustawieniach w grze?
  19. This is library used in the installer, looks like it cannot be unloaded on your pc, for some reason. But it's not related to the topic that's why I will split it up.
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