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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. v1.0.1.1 #10 (24-05-2018): - updated XVM 7.6.2: * World of Tanks nanopatch 2 * changed structure of the settings cache files, need to re-configure the filters and tanks in reserve. * fixes in hangar filters * removed useless tooltip in players panel
  2. Download the latest modpack (currently it's #09), and if problem persist, attach logs. Info in my signature.
  3. v1.0.1.1 #09 (24-05-2018): - updated XVM 7.6.1-dev [8381] (for nanopatch 2) - updated anti-mirror files (for nanopatch 2) - updated client language files (for nanopatch 2) - updated YasenKrasen text extension (for nanopatch 2) - updated crosshair: J1mbo - added Star Wars Music Mod (by Andre_V)
  4. I didn't crash a single time in 1.0.1, guess I didn't play enough battles in a row I guess.
  5. You mean the Info Panel Izeberg isn't working for you? Attach logs.
  6. Zabezpiecz sobie ten plik w tej przykladowej sciezce: c:\Games\World_of_TanksAslain_Modpack\_Aslains_Installer_Options.inf Nastepnie na nowym windowsie/kompie uzyj tego programu, wraz ze sciagnietym instalatorem oraz tym plikiem ktory zabezpieczyles: http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/226-20052018-loadinf-for-aslains-installer-v271-gui/
  7. I see no errors in your logs. Maybe try without XVM?
  8. It cannot be translated currently.
  9. Maybe game/xvm cache files are corrupted try to them clean up. C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\xvm
  10. v.7.4.1 #05 (23-05-2018): - updated clan icons [2 eu, 6 na, 6 ru, 1 asia] - removed US Blast Bag Mod [outdated]
  11. Have you tried the option to move them to the center?
  12. Out of curiosity, what mods?
  13. Ten mod pochodzil od ekspointa, a jego mody zostaly usuniete niedawno.
  14. Hi Unable reproduce this issue, this is something local. Please check the game integrity via game launcher.
  15. v1.0.1.1 #08 (22-05-2018): - added contour icons: Nikodemsky - added Damage Panel Octagon mini - updated Aslains WoT Logs Archiver (by BegiN) - updated XVM sight config, added option to change color - updated Epic Mega Music Collection
  16. Unable to reproduce this issue, must be something local. Try to check game integrity, or remove mods like game loading screens.
  17. Ok, I can check it, but I need to see logs, Generate them and attach. Info in my signature. Add details, when it's crashing, and how often.
  18. Out of curiousy, which option do you use? There is planety of them.
  19. I was trying to re-introduce this mod, but due to WG changes it's not possible anymore, must find a new way to do it, the old method is dead.
  20. It has to be screenshot from before December 2017, there was a mod for displaying such things, but is forbidden now due to the way it was using scripts.zip file.
  21. I don't know how to help you. According to your logs, everything is installed properly.
  22. Could you show it on screenshot?
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