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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. I will. If someone makes new version for current game client.
  2. Logs are very clean looking. Please try without PMOD, my friend was testing it for a whole day and he got this suspicion.
  3. v9.21.0.2 #04 (23-12-2017): - updated Crew Voice Selector - updated contour icons: j1mbo - updated ekspointCore library - updated InBattle WN8 Calculator - updated sounds: The Second World War. Day after day
  4. Maybe worth to report it on XVM forums. https://koreanrandom.com/forum/forum/57-xvm-english-support-and-discussions/ Hope they will not cry about nightly, but it shouldn't matter with this bug, however it's also worth to check on "latest stable". Can you try to do one thing, don't install any XVM sounds. edit: sounds.xc set it like this: "sounds": { "enabled": false, There is also similar option in the modpack.
  5. I don't know, errors in python are sometimes inconclusive, to know what is going on you would have to ask every mod author you installed. Try to reduce mods amount, and you will have a better clue which mod may cause this. I would start with removing everything and keep XVM only. Your mod setup is pretty minimal, and the only sound mod you have (beside XVM) is UT Announcer (EN female), try without it.
  6. Masz jakis dziwny blad zwiazany z moim modem do sprawdzania aktualizacji modpacka, zainstaluj paczke bez niego i daj znac. Byc moze jakis program blokuje polaczenie tego moda z internetem i wtedy gra moze nie wystartowac. Ewentualnie usun tez menadzera konta. Przy okazji instalujesz bez usuwania poprzednich modow, to nie jest zalecane, moze powodowac bledy i problemy.
  7. I will try to update this mod tomorrow. Merry Christmas.
  8. v.6.15.0 #03 (22-12-2017): - updated clan icons - removed skin: Historical: Admiral Hipper, Prinz Eugen, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Graf Zeppelin (req. update) - removed skin: DD Błyskawica skin 1940 (req. update) - removed skin: BB Impreator Nikolai I (req. update)
  9. Moving to WoT section. Remove Trajectory mod, update modpack to latest version.
  10. Can you try without InBattle WN8 Calculator [WITH EKSPOINT AD] ?
  11. Nie zalaczyles logow, instalujesz moze moda Trajectory?
  12. v9.21.0.2 #03 (22-12-2017): - updated XVM to 7.3.2 [8180] (nightly) - updated session stats YasenKrasen - added Guns & hits from WoT 0.6.7 (by DJ_DveiPL) - added hitzones GeneralVonRupa - added DEbranded's equipment & skill icons (find it above session stat mods) - removed Trajectory [bugged]
  13. Poki co go usuwam z powodu siania błędami.
  14. It's the usuall reason of missing tanks Have fun
  15. Annoying Features Remover by Reichsfackel Transparent Nation Decals, Stickers & Inscriptions Transparent Camouflage (by camo pattern) Remove Trajectory mod.
  16. Check carousel filter, you probably added this tank to reserves.
  17. Couldn't find anything suspicious in your logs, played 3 battles on the same mod setup and chat was working fine.
  18. Attach logs too, and tell what is your current fps. Write more about it, is it in hangar too, or in battle. Happens always or sometimes?
  19. Yes, this is issue in the insiders preview only.
  20. @ms_szeryf W moim podpisie masz info jak wygenerowac logi które potrzebuję.
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