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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. We're always trying to help, when it's possible Cheers A
  2. Wychodzi na to ze powoduje to Filter czatu, poki co nie widzialem nowszej jego nowszej wersji.
  3. Yeah I use it when I want to use two different set of icons in same battle.
  4. v6.6.0 #05 (12-06-2017): - added Interface Kancolle Enchant by Xandier59 - added Duke Nukem Voice Mod [EN] - added torpedo warning sounds by MajorRenegade - added sounds No Enemy Detected Voice Mod - updated Star Wars Laser mod (gun sounds) [new path] - updated contour icons: MajorRenegade
  5. v9.19.0.2 #04 (12-06-2017): - updated XVM to nightly 7632 [fixed days of weeks in hangar and crashing] - updated contour icons: DEbranded - updated damage log by kszys - added Crew Skill Informer - small fix to Milkyman skins and Zorgane gun sounds
  6. This is because your icon mod replaced only left side. Easiest solution without explaining you too much is that you install my different icons, lets say my "Simple with small font" then add yours.
  7. Dzięki! Spaces to raczej nie są, to jest pewnie jakies zabezpieczenie z protanki, instalujac z ich modpacka kopiuje sie gdzies specjalne "coś" co sprawia że mod nie wylacza sie. Juz tak bylo z innymi ich modami, ale sprawdze Twe logi.
  8. I saw one of latest XVM commits, where they fixed "crashing" so I would say try without XVM for now.
  9. When you preview a crosshair you will see info about what Type crosshair you should select in the game options (not always, but in few for sure). It's Type 1 in the most cases, but sometimes it's Type 3 and similar.
  10. Have you picked proper crossair type in game options?
  11. Zalacz logi i informacje, wtedy moge cos sprawdzic.
  12. Author of Harpoon has been informed, he is working on fix.
  13. Maybe new modpack (#04) will fix it for you. I will try to release it today.
  14. Something has changed in latest XVM, which makes that numbers huge. Try selecting different damage log for now (default xvm).
  15. Could not sleep and found a small bug, will fix it today.
  16. Yeah I've noticed someone reported this bug to xvm devs and it suppose to be corrected this night, I will update xvm again with another modpack update. https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/39825-clock-issue-day-of-the-week/
  17. v6.6.0 #04 (11-06-2017): - added Blueman's Detection Mod - updated Minimap with ship names [to fix flashing on minimap] - updated Matchmaking Monitor v1.0.4
  18. There is a trick with modding XVM carousel files, but I don't use it, because it's complicated with my current mod setup, that's why I'm using different method, by modding carousel.swf
  19. You cannot get infected easily, without you manualy helping it, by clicking on wrong stuff. As long as you click Skip Ad, you are safe, by clicking on any download buttons down bellow will only lead you to problems like that. added 1 minute later Ok cool Basicaly something is wrong with servers that are hosting the modpack, they sometimes cannot receive my new file, and in that case I must strike out the link to inform the people by this that it's not working properly.
  20. Striked out links are not working, that's why are striked out. They will be back once they start to work.
  21. v9.19.0.2 #03 (11-06-2017): - updated XVM to nightly 7628 - updated crosshair Harpoon [ammo switching bug is still present] - updated Session Stats Time Spent - updated AutoAim Indication+ - added crosshair: Deegie v2
  22. Don't use Battle UI modification for now if this is big issue for you. I cannot do anything about it, must wait for mod author to make a proper update.
  23. This hitlog is part of XVM so you basicaly blaming XVM for crashing.
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