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WoT Modpack update to is in progress... ×


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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Sorry, I don't know why it does it for you. Maybe try to uncheck big files, like Korean hitzones. Maybe it's some crazy antivir. How long have you waited before killing it?
  2. Could you try this, it's probaly the same what you did, but with easier way. CD /D %~dp0 echo d |xcopy version /i /s /e /y rmdir version /S /Q
  3. Sprawdzalem to dzisiaj ponownie, rzeczywiscie cos jest na rzeczy. Chyba te mody muzyczne wymagaja aktualizacji.
  4. You can manualy edit mods\configs\yk-stats\config.json Change: "battleResultWindowTitleExtension": "<textformat tabstops='[285,385]'>{{arenaStr}}<tab>EFF: <font color='{{g:EFF}}'>{{EFF:d}}</font> (<font color='{{g:EFF}}'>{{XEFF}}</font>)<tab>WN8: <font color='{{g:WN8}}'>{{WN8:d}}</font> (<font color='{{g:WN8}}'>{{XWN8}}</font>)</textformat>", To: "battleResultWindowTitleExtension": "",
  5. It's new feature from Yasenkrasen, do you have latest modpack - get it, it will fix notification window. There is a switch in latest one, that allow you to turn off that addons on panel.
  6. It's conflict Zorgane gun sounds vs. Milky VK4502 skin.
  7. Maybe disable this: Zoom-out in arcade mode 500m away max Or select smaller zoom out.
  8. Loaded same mods but I got no voiceover.bnk error.
  9. Yeah, it's not working, we must wait for them to fix it.
  10. Again, played one more battle, no problem there. Maybe reset your WoT settings.
  11. Again, loaded the very same mods like you and I can see contour icons. In logs I see you have a version folder not renamed to game version, this is probably your issue. Why? I don't know, but something interrupted the installation, check your antivirs etc.
  12. I have no influence on this. Write a ticket to WG.
  13. Yes YK is causing it, unfortuantely even with disabled YK addons it doesn't allow to expand Vehicle Exp Extended info. I've informed YK author about it.
  14. Problem ten powoduje nowy YasenKrasen, niestety nawet jak sie wylaczy nowe dodatki do panelu bocznego od niego, to nie idzie rozwijac zaznaczonego na obrazku elementu.
  15. Its from YasenKrasen. Dont know if you can remove it. Im away so cannot check it.
  16. Get new modpack. According to logs you are using old one.
  17. Mods are divided by xvm and non xvm, thats why in two categories
  18. Zainstaluj go . Zaznaczacz ze chcesz aby instalator utworzyl skrot na pulpicie i odpal go ikonka.
  19. v9.19.0.1 #02 (03-06-2017): - added Painted Rollers - added new option to YasenKrasen branch: Turn off side panel addons - updated XVM to nightly 7589 - updated session stats YasenKrasen - updated Hangman Hangar manager (for - updated WoT Tweaker Plus (for - updated contour icons: Wizard [by yaya070] - updated crosshair: Harpoon [also added Harpoon regular] - applied workaround for conflict Chat Filter + PMOD
  20. Problem zlokalizowany, konflikt z PMOD niestety z jakiegos powodu, pewnie przez PMODa, bo to moloch. W dzisiejszej paczce bedzie naprawione. Bedzie za 10min.
  21. Ew. odinstaluj skórkę VK4502B, to ona konretnie się gryzie.
  22. W logach masz jakies bledy chyba ze skorek Milkymana, odnosnie czolgu VK7201P, sprobuj usunac niektore skorki, moze zacznij od niemieckich. Ewentualnie usun Dźwięki dział od Gnomefathera (by Zorgane) byc moze w nowej aktualizacji sie cos gryzą.
  23. Instalujesz nie ten mod Inspektor pancerza to mod do ogladania pancerza, a nie trafien.
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