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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. 1. Purple color is a sign that you have selected a Color blind colors. 2. What you see in the modpack is what you can get, if you want more customizations you have to make custom edits in xvm config files.
  2. I don't know how to contact him, WG closed the forums.
  3. You can edit it in res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\@markers_custom.xc
  4. v.13.2.0 #13 (04-04-2024): - Naprawiono: Przypisz załogę - Naprawiono: Numeracja postępu po bitwie - Akt. Ikonki klanów
  5. v.13.2.0 #13 (04-04-2024): - Fixed: Post Battle Progress Numbers - Fixed: Crew Assign - Updated: Clan icons
  6. Might be due to Ollin's mod, wait for new modpack.
  7. Might be due to one of the Ollin's mod. Wait for new modpack, maybe it will work there for you.
  8. To jest na samej górze modpacka, ciężko przegapić 😉
  9. Nie ma innych mozliwosci, pewnie do teraz juz dziala strona/aktywacja.
  10. Click on the red padlock icon, it will turn green and enable you to spend bonds.
  11. Maybe you have installed the Bonds lock in XVM? When you are in garage, click on a padlock that is next to the bonds in the top right corner of screen, it will unlock it.
  12. v.13.2.0 #12 (30-03-2024): - Akt. Przełącznik banerów / Kampanie w porcie / Otwieranie skrzynek [naprawiono automatyczne otwieranie niewłaściwych skrzynek] - Akt. Panel zarządzaniem okrętem [naprawiono błędne zakładki kamuflażu] - Zastosowano obejście problemu kompatybilności między: Zaawansowany znacznik torped i Wskaźnik wykrycia torped
  13. v.13.2.0 #12 (30-03-2024): - Updated Banner switcher / Campaigns in port / Lootbox collecting & opening [fixed auto opening wrong containers] - Updated Ship Management [fixed messed up camo tabs] - Implemented a workaround for the compatibility issue between Advanced Torpedo Marker and Torpedo Detection Indicator
  14. Try to DM him he is Ollin [EU] olli.n., I saw him posting recently, on official WG discord: https://discord.com/channels/669128285527080961/1222207481057640568/1222462572020633600 linked thread is not his, so maybe don't post there, just DM, unless you have no other way to contact him
  15. v.13.2.0 #11 (29-03-2024): - Dodano Wszystkie okręty w pokoju treningowym (od TTaro) [mod #401] - Dodano Wskaźnik prędkości (od sasagcy) [mod #38] - Akt. ikonki klanów
  16. v.13.2.0 #11 (29-03-2024): - Added All Ships in Training Room (by TTaro) [mod #401] - Added Speed Indicator (by sasagcy) [mod #38] - Updated clan icons
  17. v1.24.0.1 #12 (29-03-2024): - Akt. PMOD v1.72.4 [naprawiono makra przepustki bitewnej] - Akt. celowników: 2DZoom, Abrams, Assasin, Circle, Devastator, Kellerman Blue, Minimalistic Blue, Octagon, RoughNecks, Ruler, Strike, WG-A, ZCH - Akt. wskaźnik skupienia: Biały v2 (wypełniony)
  18. v1.24.0.1 #12 (29-03-2024): - Updated PMOD v1.72.4 [fixed BattlePassPoints macros] - Updated crosshairs: 2DZoom, Abrams, Assasin, Circle, Devastator, Kellerman Blue, Minimalistic Blue, Octagon, RoughNecks, Ruler, Strike, WG-A, ZCH - Updated aim circle: White v2 (filled)
  19. Most likely it's consequences of your choices. Decide if you want to see this icon from The Sixthese Timer mod or outside of it.
  20. Hi, I noticed your Kamellot mod and updated it few days ago. Do you have more?
  21. So noticed two things, one is error from Discord Presence mod: 2024-03-28 07:05:58.477: ERROR: [Presence] Couldn't connect to Discord RPC! Please relaunch your Discord and then game client to resolve the problem. 2024-03-28 07:05:58.477: ERROR: [Presence] Reason: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '\\\\?\\pipe\\discord-ipc-0' And also noticed you are installing Overwolf mod from their app, try to play without one of both mods.
  22. You mean the compass rose? You probably installed a mod that removes it, check your choices in the installer. i.e. Battle Expert etc.
  23. See my signature under the post, follow the guide, and provide mentioned logs, screenshots, etc.
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