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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Try to set top clan icons to 0 on the xvm profile page, then install the icons again, maybe will help you.
  2. Pomyśle a póki co to mozesz instalowac ten plik poprzez folder Aslains_Custom_mods. Wrzuc go do tego folderu, i instalator bedzie go zawsze instalowac. InfoPanel.zip
  3. Unable to reproduce your issue. I can zoom out with normal tanks. See:
  4. Unable to reproduce, I can see whole line. :/ What screen resolution do you have?
  5. I had to split it up like this, to provide compatibility for non-xvm mods
  6. Yes, go to sounds tab in the game, and select Custom user sound for 6th sense there, there should be small drop down menu with 3 options inside.
  7. I will re-add them when the XVM Team fixes their sounds.xc
  8. 9.16 build 22 (24-10-2016): - removed the Minimap Tankview Extended (has become illegal)
  9. v5.13.0 build 01 (24-10-2016): - removed Running Lights (not working) - removed Pravda Team interface mods (req. update) - added Minimap with ship names - added Improved Chat (Displays ship name in brackets) - updated contour icons: ThatsNumberWang (fixes sound and minimap problems) - fixed installation of Player's Panel mods
  10. Dziwne, jedyny mod ktory powinien zmienic jezyk na ang. to ten od nazw samolotow. Zalacz tez zlogi, bo przeklepywanie modow z listy recznie nie jest dobre.
  11. You probably can use older version of these gun sounds, but I replaced all of them with the latest ones, so you would need to get them from the other source.
  12. There was something for this in XVM but they are reworking it I belive, called xmqp. Was showing spotting indicator next to friendly player on the list, when he is spotted. But it has some requirements, for example you both need to install XVM and enable xmqp there, actualy everyone in your team would have to install it, otherwise you will never know for sure if they are spotted or not, also everyone in ally team must have 6th sense perk trained.
  13. It was just at the time. Everything is working now.
  14. 9.16 build 21 (24-10-2016): - added damage indicator Harpoon - updated XVM to v6.4.7.1 - updated default XVM damage log config (it's still being developed hence many updates) - updated contour icons: Ghostman101278 v2 - replaced damage log gambiter mod files with different one (to fix chat issues) - replaced Check for Aslain's ModPack updates in garage with previous version - reworked option: Right: HP (%) [you can install it with tier on the left side now] - moved hangar ping more to the left - note the Minimap Tankview Extended is considered illegal on the NA region now
  15. Have you enabled it in the game settings? You are installing without XVM, so you must base on client settings.
  16. Z tego co widze to juz raczej nie wroci, nikt go nie zrobil od nowa od dluzszego czasu.
  17. XVM devs replaced it with new icon some time ago, you are installing XVM hitlog, so it's just like in default XVM.
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