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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Depends on you, I am releasing new modpack in about 30mins.
  2. There will be more more updates to language file, due to todays modpack update.
  3. Hmmm zobacze na to. Z tego co widze to przetlumaczyles tylko naglowek i guziki menu. W cache.data masz pelno ruskiego tekstu do przeltumaczenia.
  4. W moim podpisie info jak zalaczyc logi, wtedy cos mozna powiedziec, inaczej nie da sie. Moge ewentualnie doradzic abys spradzil czy antywirus (czy jakis jego sandbox) nie spowodowal jakichs dziwnych zmian.
  5. Na razie jest tylko jego ruska wersja, wiec nie daje bo wiadomo.... Wciaz szukam aktualizacji.
  6. Aslain


    Yes, once I put my hands on soundbank loader, I need something like this.
  7. I wanted to show full names there but the PP background has limited size and everything look ugly when I set it like this. Hence the sollution with truncated names.
  8. Niestety polaczenie aktualnego J1mbo z aktualna ProArty sie nie udalo, byc moze inne kombinacje, z innych celownikow. Zobacze w wolnym czasie pobawie sie w miksowanie.
  9. W instalatorze masz 3 opcje wyboru dla ekranu Tab, czy sa niewystarczajace? Dwa proste, i jeden szczegolowy.
  10. Latest english files for WoT modpack: WoT: http://aslain.com/custom_messages/WoT_en_translation_9.16_10.ini
  11. Do you use latest installer? Damocles was fixed few versions ago.
  12. Marked text on chat is: AutoAim Indication+ (allows to snap autoaim on tanks behind obstacles) Auto announce clip guns reloading (and single shot reload if over 15s) As for reload on PP: OTM Reloads OTM Reloads redone by Bosomi I will deal with Bosomi today. You can manualy edit BG_TRL.xml <ppReloadShow>False</ppReloadShow>
  13. Well logs are from 08 where gnome sounds were bugged by WG
  14. I split it up Include logs, I never seen anything like that.
  15. 9.16 build 10 (15-10-2016): - changed default language from ru to en in Crew Exp Extended - added Spot Messanger - added contour icons: contrabass - added Display alive players count instead of frags to Battle Observer branch - added carousel cell scale options - updated Multi Hit Log - InBattle WN8, EFF, Damage (by eskpoint) [fix to EFF calculation] - updated normal tank carousel config - removed cassete clip indicator from OTM Reload by ZJ (legit issues) - removed 6th sense sound: triple "woof" with timer (broken, need mp3)
  16. Probowalem raz, ale efekt byl taki ze nic nie dzialalo, cos zmienili w 9.15+ ze ciezko jest miksowac.
  17. Info w podpisie posta. Zmien moze celownik na inny, jest szansa ze to on wylozyl sie na swoim skrypcie.
  18. Try PMOD, other stats may have bugged special battles. So each time you play CW/Stronhold, your YK stats will get bugged....
  19. No wlasnie nie mozna, bo nie wiem czy ludzie chca instalowac XVM czy nie, jesli by zawsze instalowali to nie problem, by bylo jak kiedys, ale ostatnio jest moda na bez-XVM wiec ta opcja wyboru jest konieczna.
  20. Witam Probowales ProArty, jest w paczce. A.
  21. You don't have to do anything if you use AutoTelescope mod, it's full auto. If you use AutoEquip, you have to setup each tank first.
  22. Have you selected that sound in the sound game settings? As you can see on a picture, there is custom server crosshair, have you enabled it in the game settings too? Info Panel... well select the other one, the one you selected shouldn't be there.
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