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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. If you want Hangaman being fixed, provide python.log and rest of logs. I will send it to Goofy.
  2. this indicator is gone in 9.16 from some crosshairs, I cannot fix it, it has to be done by their authors. Edit: found out this crosshair is updated now, I will update it in the modpack as well
  3. Cannot reproduce your 1st and 2nd problem. Extra red circle may appear when you play arty, it's her range.... As for Yasenkrasen, it works too. Maybe you played CW or Stronghold and it got bugged. It's known bug that is present for a year now. Restarting the game or resetting the stats solving it. (until next special battle)
  4. Musialo sie cos pozmieniac w kliencie gry ze te celowniki sie posypaly, trzeba poczekac na aktualizacje od autorow.
  5. I don't have any mods like that, everything included in my modpack is also in so called official WG modpack.
  6. I can move it to te end of list, if this fix the problem. Strange that it's working for me in current state, but not for you, why?
  7. 9.16 build 03 (08-10-2016): - updated XVM to 6582 [nightly build] (carousel fix) - updated crew voices by Automatyk - updated hitzone skins by Goha.ru - updated hitzones koreanrandom - updated crosshair: Overcross - updated contour icons: j1mbo - fixed Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree - fixed clock in battle (this also fixing whole xvm config not being loaded) - added Compact horizontal tech-tree - added Semi-Reproduction of Gnome's Gun Sounds - removed Minimalistic Hangar (bugged) - removed false warning about xvm update - removed Account Manager (bugged) - removed bugged spg crosshair from Kellerman Blue
  8. Yeah it was already requested, I tried to include it, but a bit it's tricky. I will see what can I do...
  9. Aslain

    Wizard icons

    You linked old mod, I need new one for 9.16. Old one is missing important game icons.
  10. Its known.... already fixed this morning, wait for new modpack.
  11. I have no issues with taipan, just installed it and playing as arty.
  12. All is fine, you are getting what you selected, matches the preview. You have selected 1st advanced carousel option. This is what I see after installing same mods like you:
  13. Edit Log.cfg and maybe Timer.cfg (for reloading) Change coordinates in that files. "position" : { "x" : 229, // координаты элемента по оси Х. "y" : -229, // координаты элемента по оси Y. "align" : { "x" : "left", // выравнивание элемента по оси Х (left, center, right). "y" : "bottom" // выравнивание элемента по оси Y (top, center, bottom). } Try to raise X values.
  14. Which taipan? You mean some missing fonts? Do you have it on pic?
  15. PMOD w paczce jest aktualny wiec trzeba by to zglosic do autora PMODa.
  16. Zrobilem blad w paczce, naprawiony bedzie w nr. 03, a na razie nie instlauj zegara w bitwie.
  17. Aktualnie tak jest, nie ma innej wersji tego celownika.
  18. I will update this crosshair again, found newer files.
  19. Bez fotki nie mam pojecia o jaki panel chodzi i gdzie zakrywa... Logi. W 02 jest blad jak sie instaluje zegar w bitwie, nie wybierajcie tej opcji na razie, naprawie to dzisiaj.
  20. Mod ktory wygral konkurs WG pare lat temu to Battle Assistant i jest on w paczce.
  21. Przypominam o zalaczeniu logow, bez tego, to zgadywanka.
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