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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. 9.15.2 build 11a (26-09-2016): - fixed dynamic circles on the XVM minimap
  2. 9.15.2 build 11 (26-09-2016): - updated XVM to v6.4.5 - added new option MHL: WN8 + DIFF - added options for XVM Statistic Tab (simple, simple with names, advanced) - added few more custom 6th sense icons - enabled previously deactivated dynamic circles options for XVM minimap - fixed the 6th sense sound when driving Rudy tank
  3. I have been testing Sword of Damocles crosshair today, had ESC/CTRL bug only once, and only when watching a replay. sights.pyc was reported in pyhon. So it was typical crosshair crash.
  4. 9.15.2 build 10 (25-09-2016): - updated XVM to 6497 [nightly build] (same as 6.4.5 release) - added few custom 6th sense icons: Trump, Spanky, Bloody Hand, What I do
  5. Wszystko wygladalo troche inaczej kiedys nim WG zrodzilo 9.15.1, teraz mamy takie wersje jakie mamy, i cieszmy sie ze w ogole sa
  6. Dziwne, nie udalo mi sie odtworzyc problemu. Zainstalowalem te same mody jak w logach, ale zmienilem tylko na celownik Damoclesa. W grze to wyglada tak:
  7. v5.11.1 build 02 (25-09-2016): - fixed Yet Another Zoom Out (was crashing the game) - updated The Master Port Collection by GoldPile & DarthDoge - tuned up the minimap with ship names config (enabled vanilla client circles)
  8. Caused by Yet Another Zoom out, I will fix it today.
  9. Still it's so weird that new navigator is not working for you. When I use old navigator it's causing issues in the port to me.
  10. Zalacz jeszcze logi, abym mogl sprobowac odtworzyc problem u mnie. Pamietam ze instalowalem Damoclesa wiele razy, nie bylo problemu. Czy jak nie widzisz celownika, to dzialaja Ci klawisze ESC/CTRL?
  11. Installer is ok, it's not responsible for corrupted files. As for myself I don't provide corrupted files, they are getting corrupted only between you and the server. Usually due to bad internet/lost packets, generaly it's a network problem in the most cases. Redownloading usually helps.
  12. Nope, it's the same bugged mod like before.
  13. v5.11.1 01 (24-09-2016): - updated contour icons by Aslain (added hp bar, to fix player's panel death rows - temporary solution) - updated BADoBEST Player's Panel [added english menu] - updated Atmaxx Player's Panel [added german menu] - added crew voices: Family Guy & Duke Nukem (by MajorRenegade) - added Alpha-Beta flags 2K (by Theurge)
  14. Kiedys byl taki mod od Locastana ale juz nie dziala, teraz jest on uzywany w cheatach, do wyswietlania sylwetki wroga za przeszkodami, a jego jedna z opcji jest wybor koloru tego podswietlania.
  15. Aslain

    gui size

    Yeah temporary solution for you is not to use picture preview.
  16. Aslain

    gui size

    And do you use a multirowed task bar as well?
  17. 9.15.2 build 09 (23-09-2016): - updated XVM to 6493 [nightly build] (internal improvements & fixes to the minimap code) - updated the minimap images from 9.16 CT #2 - updated contour icons: Grandorf, Aslain's contour (corrected mirrored battle loading icons, added mirrored icons)
  18. Coz, amerykanie tez potwierdzaja ze teraz nawigator im dziala ok, wiec chyba nie mam wyjscia i wydam starsza jego wersje.
  19. by editing coordinates in this file: res_mods\\alt_hud\navigator.xml I will add more positions to the modpack later, I'm sick in bed atm... :/
  20. I can bet you are installing XVM hitlog + non-xvm hitlog that is in different section of the modpack. Uninstall one of these and you are good...
  21. Ah, ok, musialem cos przeoczyc w czytaniu. Dziwne, u mnie ten swf dziala we wszystkich przypadkach, stary tak samo, ale stary nie ma kolorkow na wskazniku.
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