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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. I need logs to analyze problems, without logs, help is very limited. Read my signature.
  2. No need to report this, this mod is a test version, might be bugged. Don't use if you experience issues.
  3. No need to report this, this mod is a test version, might be bugged. Don't use if you experience issues.
  4. Detekcja gdzie jest zainstalowany WoT srednio dziala, jesli w ogole. W wiekszosci przypadkow bedzie instalowac do C:, dlatego nalezy poprawnie wskazac wlasciwy folder.
  5. v5.4.2.01 (13-04-2016): - updated Training Room Enabler - updated Zeiss cameras - updated Aircrafts with ship names (by Arnak_76RUS) - updated contour icons: Birt, Atmaxx - added Smoke screen boundaries (by Tarki_Tau) [DLC] [test version] [now compatible with the Zeiss cameras] - added Session Stats
  6. W podpisie info jak sie zglasza problemy. Pewnie jakis zoom mod popsuty, nie uzywaj na razie.
  7. Sorry, useless info without logs.
  8. It's probably just one mod causing this, let me know if you find which one it is. Or you can play without mods if you cannot handle it.
  9. It should be there, what modpack do you use?
  10. First I need link to such mods, then I have to ask their authors if they agree to add it.
  11. res_mods\\scripts\client\gui\mods\mod_UImod.json
  12. Instalujesz do G:\World_of_tanks\ czy z tamtej lokacji odpalasz WoT? Modpack dziala poprawnie, to cos na komputerze to powoduje. Co nie mam pojecia, kazdy komp jest inny. Antywiry, sandboxy i inne cuda.
  13. To z winy Waszych komputerow/sieci, mody nie moga sie polaczyc z siecia bo cos je blokuje, i potem one same blokuja ladowanie sie gry, tyle i az tyle.
  14. SpotMessanger (sends "Spotted in...") ? Is in chat mods section.
  15. I will add it when XVM releases final version of this feature.
  16. v9.14.32 (12-04-2016): - added crew voices: Borderlands 2 (Psycho & Marauder Biker Dude) - updated contour icons: Jackhammer by Tomsa - disabled win chance calculation on the battle interface - fixed battle loading with tips - fixed clan icons switch on statistic tab
  17. Armoring Extended pewnie, ale nie dziala wiec jedynie jeszcze Damage Log Gambiter to ma.
  18. Wskaźnik penetracji pancerza (by lelicopter & lportii)? Jest dostepny w paczce.
  19. Mozna ja zmienic, ale jest ona w formacie dds i podzielona na dwa pliki: res_mods\\objects\atac1.dds res_mods\\objects\atac2.dds
  20. I doubt you will see such mod, even in spoters mod that calculation was very bad, since there is no way to calculate such things correctly.
  21. Yeah, I will disable it in upcoming modpacks, it was not indented to have it there anyway.
  22. Sure, but I would need someone to create a config for this resolution first.
  23. Proponuje na razie nie uzywac rozszerzonych informacji na ekranie ladowania bitwy, mozna to wylaczyc w opcjach gry i wtedy bedzie poprawnie wszystko. Informacje te doszly niedawno, i nie mam ich w ogole zmodowanych, dlatego jest jak jest.
  24. Whatever it is, it's local problem, not bug in installer.
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