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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Arty + Zoom out mod is fishy anyways. See this post: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/35768-does-xvm-have-reload-timer/?p=364896
  2. 9.16 #37 (09-11-2016): - removed reload indicator from Elkano's received damage announcer 9.16 #36 (08-11-2016): - reload indicator in Damage Log Gambiter, and XVM's damage log
  3. According to XVM's forum - it's allowed until 9.17. XVM will remove the feature in 9.17. And then all the other mods that has such a thing should be changed too. Aslain already removed it from all the mods in the modpack. (See the changelog) Your first post mentioned a crosshair with better timer, which is something completely different
  4. The reload timers are the ones shown above enemy tanks. Your crosshair shows your own reload time. (Vanilla crosshair shows that too) So no - it wouldn't get you banned.. Seeing your own reload time won't get you banned, lol.
  5. Going by the in-battle armor viewer note in the Fair Play news article, it's fine. Same for the Info Panel. Though that may change, since WG wrote they're adding their own. No Fog doesn't give any advantage, if you ask me.. there's barely any difference, with or without it. Clouds make no difference, I think? Hitzone skins and white tanks are a grey area, until it's clarified. But if you ask me, they should both be forbidden. White tanks lets you easily see someone hiding behind a dead tank. Hitzone skins - well - isn't it obvious the advantage you get from that? But eh.
  6. Does the same as before - minus the snapping feature. Pretty sure that the mod author didn't remove anything else. So it still announces reload time / clip time, and what not. And does the main feature of the game, (which is what the name is) "Autoaim Indication" Showing you that you have autoaim enabled, and what it's targeting.
  7. Oh no, a couple of mods are lost, that must mean the complete end of the modpack... Or not - since it's still a big lovely collection of mods.
  8. A mod that makes you use a normal Fire Extinguisher automatically, so it operates just like the premium fire extinguisher, for example.
  9. Yeah, the snap feature of that mod was said to be forbidden, by a WG Staff member in the EU thread. They really should have it in the game though... it improves the game quality for a lot of people (low FPS people, for example) Oh well.
  10. Autoaim Indication+Addins is not illegal. Autoaim Indication+Snapping+Addins is illegal (Due to the snapping, which lets you enable built-in auto-aim without having the enemy tank highlighted) The mod author already removed the snapping part of the mod. As soon as WG clarified that it was an illegal feature.
  11. He did change the name of the mod. Sorta. It'll still be known as Autoaim Indication It used to be: Autoaim Indication+Snapping+Addins Now it's: Autoaim Indication+Addins The Indication part is showing on screen, what target you locked your autoaim on.
  12. It's not questionable. It's posted as: The quote from the WG guy: "As for autoaim, our "forbidden" list includes mods that allow players to enable built-in auto-aim/target lock without having the enemy tank highlighted by the crosshair." The mod author of Autoaim Indication+ already changed his mod, and removed the forbidden part. And you can be damn sure that quote goes for NA too, since the Fair Play news was posted on all servers (NA, EU, RU, ASIA)
  13. About time that they released a better list and it's consistent on all servers. Took them long enough.
  14. Autoaim Indication+ was clarified on page 11, and it's not allowed. Specifically, the snapping part. And the mod author already removed that function from the mod. (The WG guy said that you aren't allowed to activate the vanilla auto-aim without highlighting the enemy tank) The quote from the WG guy: "As for autoaim, our "forbidden" list includes mods that allow players to enable built-in auto-aim/target lock without having the enemy tank highlighted by the crosshair." Reload timers are mentioned in the list you posted, and not allowed. Seeing where a tank died on the minimap, is a function in the vanilla game too.
  15. Modifications that alert you when spotted vehicles are reloading or show enemy vehicles’ reloading timers <<<< It is on the list.
  16. That's going to be impossible - I think. The texture file is the same used in garage and in battle.
  17. Very nice guide you put together, Tankker76
  18. You selected two different logs in the installer. And the WoT internal stuff you need to turn off manually in the WoT settings.
  19. While it's not a mod, this should get rid of them as well: http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/82908-want-to-get-rid-of-the-arp-voices-guide/
  20. Danish for WoT installer updated: WoT_da_translation_9.16_34.ini.zip
  21. What I meant is.. On your desktop, for example, create a folder called BEANS (because, why not..) Inside that, create these folders, nested in one another: res_mods, configs, xvm, Aslain, and place your markersAliveNormal.xc inside Then return back to the BEANS folder - right click on res_mods, and zip it. Hopefully that makes sense
  22. The best you can do is probably create the folders, and then return to the main folder, right click on res_mods, and create the zip, then the structure should be fine inside Good luck with it - and happy tanking! (And remember, there's always help to get around here )
  23. It would need to be in a zip file, with the proper structure. So for example your markersAliveNormal, when you open the zip file, you should see: \res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\markersAliveNormal.xc And if it's an edit to a mod in the version folder, you should see: \res_mods\version\and so on.... ("version" doesn't have to be the actual number, but can be version, and the installer automatically puts it in the proper one )
  24. True - but hey - at least the expiration date is often extended so it doesn't really run out except in the rare occasions You can use the custom mods folder to avoid having to paste in your edits every time you run the installer - using the custom mods folder, it would get installed at the end, overwriting the other things
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