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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. He did change the name of the mod. Sorta. It'll still be known as Autoaim Indication It used to be: Autoaim Indication+Snapping+Addins Now it's: Autoaim Indication+Addins The Indication part is showing on screen, what target you locked your autoaim on.
  2. It's not questionable. It's posted as: The quote from the WG guy: "As for autoaim, our "forbidden" list includes mods that allow players to enable built-in auto-aim/target lock without having the enemy tank highlighted by the crosshair." The mod author of Autoaim Indication+ already changed his mod, and removed the forbidden part. And you can be damn sure that quote goes for NA too, since the Fair Play news was posted on all servers (NA, EU, RU, ASIA)
  3. About time that they released a better list and it's consistent on all servers. Took them long enough.
  4. Autoaim Indication+ was clarified on page 11, and it's not allowed. Specifically, the snapping part. And the mod author already removed that function from the mod. (The WG guy said that you aren't allowed to activate the vanilla auto-aim without highlighting the enemy tank) The quote from the WG guy: "As for autoaim, our "forbidden" list includes mods that allow players to enable built-in auto-aim/target lock without having the enemy tank highlighted by the crosshair." Reload timers are mentioned in the list you posted, and not allowed. Seeing where a tank died on the minimap, is a function in the vanilla game too.
  5. Modifications that alert you when spotted vehicles are reloading or show enemy vehicles’ reloading timers <<<< It is on the list.
  6. That's going to be impossible - I think. The texture file is the same used in garage and in battle.
  7. Very nice guide you put together, Tankker76
  8. You selected two different logs in the installer. And the WoT internal stuff you need to turn off manually in the WoT settings.
  9. While it's not a mod, this should get rid of them as well: http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/82908-want-to-get-rid-of-the-arp-voices-guide/
  10. Danish for WoT installer updated: WoT_da_translation_9.16_34.ini.zip
  11. What I meant is.. On your desktop, for example, create a folder called BEANS (because, why not..) Inside that, create these folders, nested in one another: res_mods, configs, xvm, Aslain, and place your markersAliveNormal.xc inside Then return back to the BEANS folder - right click on res_mods, and zip it. Hopefully that makes sense
  12. The best you can do is probably create the folders, and then return to the main folder, right click on res_mods, and create the zip, then the structure should be fine inside Good luck with it - and happy tanking! (And remember, there's always help to get around here )
  13. It would need to be in a zip file, with the proper structure. So for example your markersAliveNormal, when you open the zip file, you should see: \res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\markersAliveNormal.xc And if it's an edit to a mod in the version folder, you should see: \res_mods\version\and so on.... ("version" doesn't have to be the actual number, but can be version, and the installer automatically puts it in the proper one )
  14. True - but hey - at least the expiration date is often extended so it doesn't really run out except in the rare occasions You can use the custom mods folder to avoid having to paste in your edits every time you run the installer - using the custom mods folder, it would get installed at the end, overwriting the other things
  15. ZJ has expiration date since it's a trial version. ZJ sells subscription to his mods. One of the selling points would be to avoid the short expiration date. Though it would still expire if you paid. Doubt you can change it - you'd have to somehow dismantle the code, which is most likely protected, and take out the code bit that does the check. It does an online date check against several date/time servers. (For example, if your firewall blocks the mod, it won't work)
  16. A little bit late on the request, I think? Posted Thursday at 04:21 PM 9.16 #32 (03-11-2016): - added new mod: Master Ambush [beta version] (to the aim helping mods)
  17. Danish for WoT installer updated: WoT_da_translation_9.16_32.ini.zip
  18. - attach file _Aslain_logs.zip and python.log (both located directly in WoT folder) [MANDATORY!] Could you please attach the Aslain_logs.zip file? And if you do not have that, please find Aslain_Installer_Options.inf and attach that, at least It'll help us, help you
  19. Logs? See my signature. Or the sticky thread in this forum section. You might have installed a heavy weight mod? Or your computer is just lacking enough so most mods affect your FPS.. they need computing power as well, to run.
  20. Danish for WoT installer updated: WoT_da_translation_9.16_30.ini.zip
  21. You selected two different options. ----------------------[ Damage Log Settings ]---------------------------------------------- Default Damage Log from XVM Team Move logs to the right to fit vanilla logs & Damage Log GambitER Damage done & blocked position right over damage panel position Move logs to the right to fit vanilla logs [don't use with XFT]
  22. He's talking about the overlapping damage logs. Most likely.
  23. That's a WoT setting. "Restrict toggling the Sniper mode to the Shift key" Horizontal stabilization is a WoT setting too... I wonder if that matters then if you changed that file and it worked, hmm.
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