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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. It is causing headaches, for players, modpack makers, and what not.. Would be so nice if they got their act together, made a proper list, and started dealing with things. Personally, I cannot see the issue with this particular mod, the information you get, is something you can very easily get anyways.
  2. One word: Wargaming. Hehe. It's pretty silly by now... so they suddenly removed the posts saying it was fine to use, and EU doesn't have a list at all, but they still decide to ban some people for showing it (Screenshots, Streaming, and the likes)
  3. Font issue. Please look in your Windows Fonts folder, and delete all "XVM" named fonts, and then re-install modpack, to make sure the correct font is installed.
  4. If we know that they know about it.. then it's probably just annoying for themt o get more tickets about it... but do we know that they know? Hehe I guess it wouldn't hurt to throw them a ticket, mentioning the bug, and linking the thread: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/503803-9151-common-test-notification-center-fixed-but-bugged-in-0916/
  5. The weird buttons issue (seeing Details or Reset / Tank Stats on invites and what not) seems to be a WG issue.. Only made worse, of course, by stats mods, since they add some other buttons too, hehe. But it's happening on no-mods client too.
  6. Edit: Should be fixed now.
  7. o_O Sounds like you have some crazy Gremlins running around... settings changing by themselves and what not... o_O
  8. Hehe Good to hear you have it sorted out now
  9. Yeah - have a look here: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/503803-9151-common-test-notification-center-fixed-but-bugged-in-0916/
  10. Well if it has happened without that particular mod too.. then the logs would probably be a good idea to attach, the more samples the better To track down the culprit(s)
  11. His post is fine without the logs in this case, I think. Since he pointed out the mod he removed, which stopped the problem. And it would make sense that the mod in question is messing with textures, because it is
  12. There are some fishy mods in the modpack, and they're generally marked as such. Minimap Tankview for example - streamers have been banned on EU for using it - since they're showing the mod. But EU doesn't have a mod list, like the other servers does.. it's just the same old WG will say "Use your own judgement" and what not.. And if you argue the other servers say something else, they'll just say, well, those are the other servers, and we're WG EU.
  13. Review your choices. You have selected: ----------------------[ Damage Log Settings ]---------------------------------------------- Default Damage Log from XVM Team <<<<<<<<< but further down the line, you also selected: Damage Log GambitER <<<<<<<<<<< Damage done & blocked position right over damage panel position
  14. Interesting. And so lovely that Wargaming can't decide. Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, maybe, etc.
  15. That weird bug with the buttons happens on vanilla WoT client too, from time to time.
  16. I'm a moron, huh?... You said you didn't select anything... which is why you are getting the reserved names. You need to select the proper option.. as Aslain also told you.. Did you post logs? Nope. Did you do as you were told? Nope. Did you attack those that help out in the forums? Yup. Trash like you needs to get banned.
  17. Yes, you forgot to select something.. and then proceeded to complain about reserved tank names. We can't fix a problem that is on your end. And you're not helping, and just giving an attitude.
  18. The animated marker isn't updated for 9.16 yet.
  19. One of them is, not both, I just grabbed both examples of the error related to the gun sounds, and added both lines (Also to give others an idea of what to look for themselves)
  20. Funny how some people would rather uninstall, instead of selecting the option that they forgot to select, lol... Not all contours need to be mirrored and what not... that's why the option is there...
  21. Please attach logs, which would help us help you
  22. And did you select the proper option:
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