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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Are you seeing filters like "Non Elite" and "Complete crew"? If not - then no, it's not working properly. Because the XVM team disabled the filters till they can fix it.
  2. Not sure whats wrong, but Aslain's eagleeyes might spot something
  3. Hehe, the reserve is part of the filter stuff, so yeah... If you want to take them off reserve again, you can by deleting the file here: %AppData%\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\xvm There's a file called something with "reserve"
  4. XVM team disabled it, so they could fix it (it was bugged as a blank menu)
  5. XVM team disabled it, so they could fix it (it was bugged as a blank menu)
  6. Remember to attach your logs, just in case
  7. If you can find someone willing to spend a looooooooong time updating the sound mods from the old sound engine, to the new sound engine used by World of Tanks, they'll be re-added Otherwise consider them abandoned by their mod authors. (Aslain would continue to include them, if their authors hadn't abandoned them..)
  8. The XVM Team disabled the filters, as a fix to the blank filters page. (Caused by the new Football tank filter that WG added, most likely.) The XVM Team needs to fix it, and re-enable it, before it'll be working again, for anyone. There's no workaround. "+#FIXME: TODO: Fix our version and turn it on back" https://bitbucket.org/XVM/xvm/commits/1c881440958641c911d0af8b198384aa59910739
  9. It's included in World of Tanks now. Check the settings menu.
  10. Wow. Chill out a bit. There's a reasonable explanation why your thread is gone, if it's not that old. Anything after midnight was lost when Aslain moved the website to a new server hosting place.
  11. XVM team disabled the filters, with a note saying "TODO: Fix it" hehe.. You can take your tanks off the reserve filter by going here: %AppData%\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\xvm And deleting the file called: tcarousel.reserve.dat
  12. Wasn't that obvious when people don't read it. Anyways. Forum move ate my previous reply, and who cares. No reason to be butthurt about the way I posted it. People never really read, they just post, no matter how many other times it has been said, or if it's already listed somewhere.
  13. ASIA is on 0.9.15 version. EU (RU, and NA?) are on And it's correct, 9.15.12 Modpack version is the last one for 0.9.15 13 and above is for the x.0.1 version
  14. Could we stop with the bug report about something already mentioned in the changelog? v9.15.13 (08-06-2016): - compatibility with WoT [unfortunately it contains bugged tank carousel, and who knows what else]
  15. Hehe, yeah, XVM changes the filters, like they have pretty much always done, adding things like "No Mastery" or "Non Elite"
  16. Exactly as Aslain wrote in the changelog of the newest installer. That the carousel(and thus filter) is bugged in XVM
  17. folder will obviously be missing from installers older than .13, since that version didn't exist prior to .13 release. You can't use older modpack on the current version of World of Tanks. Renaming the folder from 0.9.15 to might work, but probably not.
  18. Did you install the zoom indicator? Just a guess, since your logs are missing
  19. Custom mods folder doesn't get cleaned out. Clean install wipes the res_mods folder. DLC cleaning wipes the Aslains_DLC_cache folder.
  20. Stuff used to be here
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