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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Okay. Now head to the proper forum section (the Issues and Bug Reports) and create a proper thread, with the log files (see my signature), so Aslain can look into it
  2. I think, it means you should close World of Tanks (completely, don't minimize it). Go to modxvm.com and activate services and what not. And now open World of Tanks again.
  3. Hehe :) I do try ;) Not sure what language "Tak su miket" is - sounds Swedish, but not sure :D
  4. If you mean this one, it's Angel Extended, and removed as part of spoter's mods.
  5. In your screenshots, you have selected the large panel on the second one. If you select the medium panel on the second one, you'll see the same as the first one. (Ingame selection, not the modpack)
  6. First screenshot, you use the Medium panel. Second screenshot, you use the Large panel. Installation, you use the Medium panel. So... select the Medium panel again. :P
  7. Yeah, hopefully it's not a massive task :) If you want to keep using the backup folder, use the shortcut keys instead, to avoid "Moving" the files. Ctrl+C (Copy) Ctrl+V (Paste)
  8. You can either: Install using the Normal Install option (which doesn't delete anything) Or Use the custom mods folder, instructions are in the text file inside it: \World of Tanks\Aslains_Custom_mods\ (Custom Mods folder are things installed after the modpack is installed, so if you for example have crew images there, they'll get moved in last)
  9. "AutoAim Indication+" that? Look harder. It's there.
  10. Probably Angel Extended, it was removed together with the rest of spoter's mods.
  11. \res_mods\0.9.10\scripts\client\mods\ chat_filter.json Use Notepad++ Modify it all you want :) Then you'll have exactly the words you want, and don't want. And you can probably look up the old hate blocker mod, to find out it's word list.
  12. http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/13-0910-aslains-xvm-mod-modpack-installer-wpicture-sound-preview-v4630-08-10-2015/?p=19036 Specifically: - removed all mods created by spoter [seriously suspected for causing CTD, careless modding]
  13. Autoaim Indication+ is in the modpack
  14. Arrêt du frein à main en vue sniper pour les chasseurs de char [Fonctionne seulement avec la caméra dynamique activée, autrement le jeu peut bloquer!] Probably that. If your dynamic camera is ON, then I don't know.
  15. That version number would clutter things up, if you ask me... If you want to see the changes since the last time you installed, there's always the changelog with the full list of things that was changed. :)
  16. Recently the installer will have a popup showing a list of mods changing language away from English :)
  17. Windows 10 surely have some weird issues when it comes to anti-virus and installing things. The last time I tried to update nVidia drivers, Windows 10 bluescreened due to the nVidia installation, BSOD was caused my Kaspersky's dll.
  18. Sounds like Autoaim Extended, and it was recently removed, since it's one of spoter's mods.
  19. Hehe... that is some tinfoilhattery, if you think they've been hacked. Pretty sure it's just a rare bug, just like sometimes a tank will show up as being alive, even though it's already dead.
  20. I'll update it then... hold on, it'll be a few minutes :P Done! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-euseA0dFGzeHFOenJCczRQQVE/view?usp=sharing
  21. Check my signature, and make sure you post those log files :)
  22. Heh, looks bizar... doesn't even show him as having been spotted at all.
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